New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
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New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q4. Do you agree with the strategic priorities and objectives we have identified?
Representation ID: 38647
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
Support is offered for strategic objectives 9, 11, 15 and 17 in particular as they would support opportunities for sport and physical and encourage active and healthier lifestyles. The objectives would accord with Government policy in paragraphs 92 and 93 of the NPPF and Sport England’s ‘Uniting the Movement’ Strategy.
Support is offered for strategic objectives 9, 11, 15 and 17 in particular as they would support opportunities for sport and physical and encourage active and healthier lifestyles. The objectives would accord with Government policy in paragraphs 92 and 93 of the NPPF and Sport England’s ‘Uniting the Movement’ Strategy.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q14. Do you consider that the plan should include a place-making charter that informs relevant policies? Should the same principles apply everywhere in the District, or should different principles apply to different areas?
Representation ID: 38648
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
A place making charter would be helpful for informing relevant policies as long as weight is given to the charter in practice when determining planning applications and attention is given to ensuring that the principles of the charter are embedded into the local plan policies to ensure that the requirements in the charter are integrated in practice. It is considered that the principles should apply on a district-wide basis as they are sufficiently generic.
A place making charter would be helpful for informing relevant policies as long as weight is given to the charter in practice when determining planning applications and attention is given to ensuring that the principles of the charter are embedded into the local plan policies to ensure that the requirements in the charter are integrated in practice. It is considered that the principles should apply on a district-wide basis as they are sufficiently generic.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q15. Are the principles set out in the draft place-making charter the right ones? Are there other principles that should be included?
Representation ID: 38649
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
Support is offered for the Placemaking charter especially the requirements relating to providing opportunities/activities for all groups in the community, improving health and well-being, supporting the creation of walkable communities, designing development so that they are safe/inclusive and facilitating the management/stewardship of places. It is considered that these requirements would accord with Government policy in paragraphs 92 and 93 of the NPPF and Sport England’s ‘Uniting the Movement’ Strategy. In particular, the requirements would be consistent with Sport England’s Active Design guidance.
Support is offered for the Placemaking charter especially the requirements relating to providing opportunities/activities for all groups in the community, improving health and well-being, supporting the creation of walkable communities, designing development so that they are safe/inclusive and facilitating the management/stewardship of places. It is considered that these requirements would accord with Government policy in paragraphs 92 and 93 of the NPPF and Sport England’s ‘Uniting the Movement’ Strategy. In particular, the requirements would be consistent with Sport England’s Active Design guidance.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q16a. Do you consider that new design guides, codes or masterplans should be created alongside the new Local Plan?
Representation ID: 38650
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
When considering whether to prepare new design guides, consideration should be given to how and whether they provide additionality to existing design guidance that would be applicable. In particular, the Essex Design Guide has been prepared by the EPOA and has the support of the Essex districts and covers many of the themes that would be expected in a district design guide. For instance, Sport England’s Active Design principles have been embedded into the Essex Design Guide and if applied in Rochford district it would not be considered necessary to prepare a separate local design guidance which repeated the approach.
When considering whether to prepare new design guides, consideration should be given to how and whether they provide additionality to existing design guidance that would be applicable. In particular, the Essex Design Guide has been prepared by the EPOA and has the support of the Essex districts and covers many of the themes that would be expected in a district design guide. For instance, Sport England’s Active Design principles have been embedded into the Essex Design Guide and if applied in Rochford district it would not be considered necessary to prepare a separate local design guidance which repeated the approach.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q32. With reference to the options above, or your own options, how do you feel we can best deliver a quality green and blue infrastructure network through the plan?
Representation ID: 38651
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
In practice, the delivery of a quality green and blue infrastructure network is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. Option 3 is particularly supported but to be effective this would need to be supported by a robust green and blue infrastructure strategy. The Local Plan will also need to consider how to integrate the emerging South Essex Estuary Park proposals that are being prepared by ASELA.
In practice, the delivery of a quality green and blue infrastructure network is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. Option 3 is particularly supported as this offers the most potential to deliver the infrastructure due to developments being specifically required to make on and/or off-site provision. However, to be effective this would need to be supported by a robust green and blue infrastructure strategy which identifies strategic projects that developments will be expected to deliver directly or contribute towards. The Local Plan will also need to consider how to integrate the emerging South Essex Estuary Park proposals that are being prepared by ASELA as their delivery will need to be supported by local plan policies and proposals.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q35. With reference to the options above, or your own options, how can we address the need for sufficient and accessible community infrastructure through the plan?
Representation ID: 38652
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
In practice, the delivery of community infrastructure needs is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. All four options are particularly relevant to the provision of community sports facility infrastructure as in practice it will be a combination of protection and enhancement of existing facilities and the provision of new facilities either in a standalone form or in co-located/integrated facilities. For example, there are examples of GP surgeries and leisure centres being combined into a single building – see for further details in Sport England's case study.
In practice, the delivery of community infrastructure needs is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. All four options are particularly relevant to the provision of community sports facility infrastructure as in practice it will be a combination of protection and enhancement of existing facilities and the provision of new facilities either in a standalone form or in co-located/integrated facilities. For example, there are examples of GP surgeries and leisure centres being combined into a single building – see for further details in Sport England's case study.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q38. With reference to the options above, or your own options, how do you feel we can best meet our open space and sport facility needs through the plan?
Representation ID: 38653
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
In practice, the delivery of open space, sport and recreation needs is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. The Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy provide detailed recommendations of how current and future sports facility needs can be met and this should be used as a starting point which can be supplemented by specific advice provided by Sport England and sports governing bodies. All of the options outlined are applicable to sports facilities and therefore it is advocated that the approach taken is based on applying them all on a complementary basis.
In practice, the delivery of open space, sport and recreation needs is likely to involve a combination of the options that have been outlined. Sport England’s Planning for Sport guidance advocates a ‘Protect, Enhance and Provide’ approach which is consistent with these options. The Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy provide detailed strategic and site specific recommendations of how current and future sports facility needs can be met and this should be used as a starting point which can be supplemented by specific advice provided by Sport England and sports governing bodies. All of the options outlined are applicable to sports facilities and therefore it is advocated that the approach taken in the Local Plan is based on applying them all on a complementary basis.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q39. Are the potential locations for 3G pitch investment the right ones? Are there other locations that we should be considering?
Representation ID: 38654
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
The potential locations for 3G artificial grass pitch investment are supported in principle as they were derived from a comprehensive feasibility study that was supported by the key stakeholders. However, any other alternatives that are identified through this consultation should be considered if they were not explored as part of the feasibility study. The Local Plan should not dismiss the option of investment into 3G pitches in adjoining local authorities that are suitably located for meeting Rochford’s needs in view of the close proximity of potential sites just outside of the district.
The potential locations for 3G artificial grass pitch investment are supported in principle as they were derived from a comprehensive feasibility study that was supported by the key stakeholders. However, any other alternatives that are identified through this consultation should be considered if they were not explored as part of the feasibility study. The Local Plan should not dismiss the option of investment into 3G pitches in adjoining local authorities that are suitably located for meeting Rochford’s needs in view of the close proximity of potential sites just outside of the district.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q40. Are the listed potential hub sites and key centres the right ones? Are there other locations that we should be considering?
Representation ID: 38655
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
If the hub sites and key centres have been derived from the recommendations in the Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy then they would be considered robust as they were based on an assessment and strategy that was supported by the key stakeholders. Once decisions have been made on sites for 3G pitch investment, these sites should be considered as potential hub sites especially if they are located on multi-pitch sites as a 3G pitch provides the basis for a community football hub.
If the hub sites and key centres have been derived from the recommendations in the Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy then they would be considered robust as they were based on an assessment and strategy that was supported by the key stakeholders. Once decisions have been made on sites for 3G pitch investment, these sites should be considered as potential hub sites especially if they are located on multi-pitch sites as a 3G pitch provides the basis for a community football hub.
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021
Q41. With reference to your preferred Strategy Option, are there opportunities for growth to help deliver improvements to open space or sport facility accessibility or provision?
Representation ID: 38659
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Sport England
Regardless of which Strategy Option is selected, they all offer potential to help deliver improvements to open space or sport facility accessibility/provision. Smaller developments offer the potential to make financial contributions towards off-site strategic priorities while the options that provide for larger developments provide opportunities for on-site provision in the form of new playing fields and strategic open spaces like country parks, shared use of new school facilities and providing accessibility improvements e.g. joining up footpath/cycleway networks and providing access to the countryside.
Regardless of which Strategy Option is selected, they all offer potential to help deliver improvements to open space or sport facility accessibility/provision. Smaller developments offer the potential to make financial contributions towards off-site strategic priorities while the options that provide for larger developments provide opportunities for on-site provision in the form of new playing fields and strategic open spaces like country parks, shared use of new school facilities and providing accessibility improvements e.g. joining up footpath/cycleway networks and providing access to the countryside.