Issues and Options Document

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Issues and Options Document

How should we protect, manage and enhance our important habitats, nature conservation areas, geology and greenways?

Representation ID: 34962

Received: 26/02/2018

Respondent: Essex Bridleways Association

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 10.19 notes the need and benefits of a green and blue infrastructure, and paragraph 10.25 notes the need to plan positively for the creation, protection and enhancement of such infrastructure. We request that such enhancement and creation will include increased access for all user groups, including equestrians.

Full text:

Paragraph 10.19 notes the need and benefits of a green and blue infrastructure, and paragraph 10.25 notes the need to plan positively for the creation, protection and enhancement of such infrastructure. We request that such enhancement and creation will include increased access for all user groups, including equestrians.

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