Issues and Options Document

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Issues and Options Document

B. Continue to promote clean air initiatives, such as sustainable ways to travel and renewable energy projects

Representation ID: 36104

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

10.72 B

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

G. Amend the split taking into account any changes in national planning policy and guidance (if the definition of affordable homes is widened to include other products)

Representation ID: 36105

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.5 G

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

B. Utilise the Council's assets, wherever possible, or acquire land to allocate plots for the purpose of self-build and/or custom-build, and help match people on the register to the plots.

Representation ID: 36106

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.12 B

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

B. Introduce a specific policy on rural exception sites to promote the delivery of affordable homes in rural areas (under 3,000 existing homes), with an element of market homes to improve overall viab

Representation ID: 36107

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.19 B

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

A. Develop a policy which sets out clear criteria for annexes and outbuildings (or similar)

Representation ID: 36109

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.27 A

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

A. Extend the current policy on basements in the Green Belt

Representation ID: 36110

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.36 A

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

Replacement, Rebuild or Extension of Existing Green Belt Homes

Representation ID: 36111

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.40 B

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the current policies

Representation ID: 36113

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.44 A

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the current policy on previously developed land

Representation ID: 36114

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.49 A

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A


Issues and Options Document

B. Allow permitted development rights within extended garden areas

Representation ID: 36115

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Rochford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

11.53 B

Full text:

Rochford Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on this Document and whilst fully supporting the Strategic Priorities and Objectives of the Vision wonder whether the vision is, in its own right, rather long.

The council would support the following options which the document identifies.

6.30 C
6.31 B
6.32 D
6.33 B
6.36 B
6.48 E
6.58 C
6.59 F
6.60 H
6.78 B
6.86 B
6.96 B & C
6.111 A & F
6.117 A & D
6.128 A & B
7.20 C
7.27 A & B
8.20 B (Councillors have concerns that option C would be unable to accommodate significant increases in traffic flow without a major infrastructure investment.
8.21 A
8.37 B & C
8.44 B
8.58 C
8.66 B
8.75 A
9.11 D
9.15 B
9.29 A, B, D & E
9.36 B
9.42 A, B, C & D
9.50 A
9.61 A
10.16 B
10.27 A
10.28 G
10.29 H
10.34 B
10.44 C & D
10.52 A
10.62 C
10.63 J
10.72 B
11.5 G
11.12 B
11.19 B
11.27 A
11.36 A
11.40 B
11.44 A
11.49 A
11.53 B
11.57 A & B
11.61 C
11.65 B
11.72 A (Councillors would like to see this strengthened especially in relation to advertising on residential property.
11.76 B
11.81 A

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