HAAP: Schedule of modifications

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HAAP: Schedule of modifications


Representation ID: 34157

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Hockley Hawkwell Women's Institute

Representation Summary:

The revised wording dilutes the requirement for a Transport Assessment to 'strategic planning applications'. With the emphasis on smaller 'boutique' businesses, there is no longer any guarantee any such 'strategic planning applications' will be made. There are therefore no effective proposals or evidence to deal with highways issues (Chapter 3, Policy 3) and the council has consistently misled residents and undertaken a U-turn on repeated commitments to undertake a Transport Assessment as part of the HAAP. Smaller developments may also mitigate against meaningful improvements. A clear commitment to a full transport assessment is required.

Full text:

MM7 -
The revised wording dilutes the requirement for a Transport Assessment to 'strategic planning applications'. With the emphasis on smaller 'boutique' businesses, there is no longer any guarantee any such 'strategic planning applications' will be made. There are therefore no effective proposals or evidence to deal with highways issues (Chapter 3, Policy 3) and the council has consistently misled residents and undertaken a U-turn on repeated commitments to undertake a Transport Assessment as part of the HAAP. Smaller developments may also mitigate against meaningful improvements. A clear commitment to a full transport assessment is required.

MM14 -
The Inspector's changes correctly and appropriately reflect the findings of the Retail & Leisure Study 2008 but the changes will impact on the project finances and there is absolutely no evidence that the revised overall proposals are financially viable. The original viability analysis, as presented in the submission copy of the HAAP contained a major error (omitting land assembly costs) and the plans for more offices are contrary to their own expert's advice (see Evidence Base letter from GL Hearn). The changes may well impact the financials and an updated viability analysis is required.

MM16 -
The proposals will materially change the character of Hockley by demolishing around 2/3 of the village centre. This change of character has not been consulted on (but responses to previous consultations show it is heavily opposed.) The scale of change is relatively huge but little benefit and none of the key issues resolved - a poor plan which will damage Hockley.


HAAP: Schedule of modifications


Representation ID: 34158

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Hockley Hawkwell Women's Institute

Representation Summary:

The Inspector's changes correctly and appropriately reflect the findings of the Retail & Leisure Study 2008 but the changes will impact on the project finances and there is absolutely no evidence that the revised overall proposals are financially viable. The original viability analysis, as presented in the submission copy of the HAAP contained a major error (omitting land assembly costs) and the plans for more offices are contrary to their own expert's advice (see Evidence Base letter from GL Hearn). The changes may well impact the financials and an updated viability analysis is required.

Full text:

MM7 -
The revised wording dilutes the requirement for a Transport Assessment to 'strategic planning applications'. With the emphasis on smaller 'boutique' businesses, there is no longer any guarantee any such 'strategic planning applications' will be made. There are therefore no effective proposals or evidence to deal with highways issues (Chapter 3, Policy 3) and the council has consistently misled residents and undertaken a U-turn on repeated commitments to undertake a Transport Assessment as part of the HAAP. Smaller developments may also mitigate against meaningful improvements. A clear commitment to a full transport assessment is required.

MM14 -
The Inspector's changes correctly and appropriately reflect the findings of the Retail & Leisure Study 2008 but the changes will impact on the project finances and there is absolutely no evidence that the revised overall proposals are financially viable. The original viability analysis, as presented in the submission copy of the HAAP contained a major error (omitting land assembly costs) and the plans for more offices are contrary to their own expert's advice (see Evidence Base letter from GL Hearn). The changes may well impact the financials and an updated viability analysis is required.

MM16 -
The proposals will materially change the character of Hockley by demolishing around 2/3 of the village centre. This change of character has not been consulted on (but responses to previous consultations show it is heavily opposed.) The scale of change is relatively huge but little benefit and none of the key issues resolved - a poor plan which will damage Hockley.


HAAP: Schedule of modifications


Representation ID: 34159

Received: 17/01/2014

Respondent: Hockley Hawkwell Women's Institute

Representation Summary:

The proposals will materially change the character of Hockley by demolishing around 2/3 of the village centre. This change of character has not been consulted on (but responses to previous consultations show it is heavily opposed.) The scale of change is relatively huge but little benefit and none of the key issues resolved - a poor plan which will damage Hockley.

Full text:

MM7 -
The revised wording dilutes the requirement for a Transport Assessment to 'strategic planning applications'. With the emphasis on smaller 'boutique' businesses, there is no longer any guarantee any such 'strategic planning applications' will be made. There are therefore no effective proposals or evidence to deal with highways issues (Chapter 3, Policy 3) and the council has consistently misled residents and undertaken a U-turn on repeated commitments to undertake a Transport Assessment as part of the HAAP. Smaller developments may also mitigate against meaningful improvements. A clear commitment to a full transport assessment is required.

MM14 -
The Inspector's changes correctly and appropriately reflect the findings of the Retail & Leisure Study 2008 but the changes will impact on the project finances and there is absolutely no evidence that the revised overall proposals are financially viable. The original viability analysis, as presented in the submission copy of the HAAP contained a major error (omitting land assembly costs) and the plans for more offices are contrary to their own expert's advice (see Evidence Base letter from GL Hearn). The changes may well impact the financials and an updated viability analysis is required.

MM16 -
The proposals will materially change the character of Hockley by demolishing around 2/3 of the village centre. This change of character has not been consulted on (but responses to previous consultations show it is heavily opposed.) The scale of change is relatively huge but little benefit and none of the key issues resolved - a poor plan which will damage Hockley.

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