Allocations: Schedule of modifications

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Allocations: Schedule of modifications


Representation ID: 33173

Received: 14/01/2014

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

This modification is supported as the preparation of a master plan or design brief would allow the principles of the planning and design of the proposed replacement sports facilities to be established before a planning application is prepared.

Full text:

This modification is supported as the preparation of a master plan or design brief would allow the principles of the planning and design of the proposed replacement sports facilities to be established before a planning application is prepared.


Allocations: Schedule of modifications


Representation ID: 33174

Received: 14/01/2014

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The proposed modifications are welcomed as this will provide more certainty that the replacement facilities will be equivalent to those lost in terms of both quantity and quality. They will also help ensure an appropriate balance is achieved between ensuring good access to the replacement facilities for users while safeguarding the existing social uses of the clubhouse and protecting residential amenity.

Full text:

The proposed modification relating to expecting the replacement playing field facilities provided to be of at least an equivalent standard is welcomed as this will provide more certainty that the replacement facilities will be equivalent to those lost in terms of both quantity and quality.

The proposed modification expecting the replacement playing field facilities to be built in a location which is accessible to the local community, whilst allowing for social events within the clubhouse is welcomed as this should help ensure an appropriate balance is achieved between ensuring good access to the replacement facilities for users while safeguarding the existing social uses of the clubhouse and protecting residential amenity.

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