Allocations: Schedule of modifications
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Allocations: Schedule of modifications
Representation ID: 33067
Received: 10/01/2014
Respondent: Raven Group
Agent: Pomery Planning Consultants
The text needs to be specific to guide development, advising that the allocation for NEL 2 shall be served by a single access/egress onto Star Lane, to be sited south of a landscaped buffer of at least 10 metres, between BFR1 and NEL 2. The route of the footpath to the wildlife site could remain within the buffer land.
The new sentence to be added to this paragraph needs to include direction, as to the proposed vehicular access to be provided to site NEL 2(previously NEL 3). The Plan requires a Landscaped Green Buffer to be provided the north, south and east of NEL 2 (previously NEL 3) , which is achievable. The buffer to the north is required to separate the new residential development planed for BFR1 and the employment allocation NEL 2 (previously NEL 3). This buffer would need to be provided directly south of the BFR1 development, over the existing access/public footpath to the wildlife site. There is no room to provide an upgraded vehicular access to NEL 2 (previously NEL 3) over the existing road, as well as providing the Landscaped Green Buffer of an appropriate width to combat amenity issues. A new access over the old would also conflict with the requirements of MM94 Page 103 para 5.61, as heavy lorries accessing the employment land would run close to the residential boundaries of BFR1, creating an amenity conflict. The text needs to be specific to guide development, advising that the allocation for NEL 2 shall be served by a single access/egress onto Star Lane, to be sited south of a landscaped buffer of at least 10 metres, between BFR1 and NEL 2. The route of the footpath to the wildlife site could remain within the buffer land.
Allocations: Schedule of modifications
Representation ID: 33068
Received: 10/01/2014
Respondent: Raven Group
Agent: Pomery Planning Consultants
The respondent agrees that the sentence should be omitted as it contradicts the requirement to provide a landscaped buffer between site's BFR1 and NEL 2 and the need to avoid amenity conflicts between the two uses. As the amended location of the allocation, which abuts site BFR1, rather than includes it, is similar to that put forward by the respondent, this modification is supported.
The respondent agrees that the sentence should be omitted as it contradicts the requirement to provide a landscaped buffer between site's BFR1 and NEL 2 and the need to avoid amenity conflicts between the two uses. As the amended location of the allocation, which abuts site BFR1, rather than includes it, is similar to that put forward by the respondent, this modification is supported.