Allocations Submission Document

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Allocations Submission Document

Policy SER2 - West Rochford

Representation ID: 29074

Received: 25/01/2013

Respondent: Bellway Homes

Agent: Barton Willmore LLP

Representation Summary:

Bellway Homes Ltd supports the identification of land to the west of Rochford for development of 600 units, a new primary school and public open space in line with proposed Site Allocations policy SER2.

The site has been the subject of a host of technical assessments and these accompany the outline planning application submitted in April 2010. The assessments conclude that the site is well located to existing local services, free of technical constraints and can be effectively integrated with the existing urban form and remaining countryside.

Bellway request that they are contacted should any sites be added to the emerging DPD prior to submission to the Secretary of State for approval.

Full text:

'Land to the West of Rochford' has been identified by Rochford District Council (RDC) as a location for housing development in the adopted Core Strategy Document Plan Document (DPD) (see policy H2 and Appendix H1).

This letter sets out our client's position with respect to the emerging Site Allocations DPD options for the general locations indentified within the Core Strategy Submission DPD. Bellway made representations at site options stage in April 2010 at which four options for land to the west of Rochford were considered (WR1, WR2, WR3 and WR4). They were either wholly, or partially located on our clients site.

The Bellway Site

The Bellway site forms a rectangular area of land abutting the western built up edge of Rochford. It is currently in agricultural use. It is bounded by Hall Road to the south. There are a number of large detached residential properties located immediately to the south of Hall Road. The site is also surrounded by large ditches along its western, northern and eastern boundaries as well as in part along its southern boundary. The site is enclosed and contained on its northern boundary by a tree belt approximately 15 metres in height and a substantial hedgerow approximately 5 - 6 metres in height comprising oak, ash, maple, hawthorn and blackthorn species. Ironwell Lane lies to the north of the site, and a footpath crosses it, north-south, linking Ironwell Lane to Hall Road.

The site has an open character due to its agricultural (arable) land use. However, the close proximity to local roads and existing residential areas to the south and east, as well as its robust boundary vegetation mean that it is well screened in local views and is well related and connected to the existing urban area.

The site is located 1000m from Rochford Town Centre and 600m from Rochford Railway Station. Existing bus services run from the station to Southend and Rayleigh. Measured from the centre of the site, Southend Airport is located 2km to the south. The nearest employment centres are in the town centre and the employment zone adjacent to the airport on Orchard Way.

The site is generally level and was designated in the Replacement Rochford Local Plan (2006) as Green Belt countryside (Policy R2). The majority of the site falls within Flood Zone 1. A small part in the north east corner was designated as flood Zone 2; analysis by Ardent Consulting of the detailed Topographical Survey has been demonstrated that the site falls within Flood Zone 1.

Outline Planning Application 10/00234/OUT

On 18 January 2012, Rochford District Council Planning Committee were minded to approve the following, subject to completion of the section 106 agreement:

"Residential Development (Class C3) of 600 dwellings, associated access and a new primary school on Land north of Hall Road, Rochford. Such development to include the infrastructure associated with residential development, public open space and new vehicular and pedestrian access routes."

Since January 2012 the planning process has been delayed due to a challenge to the Core Strategy. This matter has now been resolved and the application is expected to be reconsidered at planning committee on 31 January 2013 following agreement with officers and ward councillors of the key section 106 provisions.

It should be noted that all of the statutory stakeholders have signed off the proposals and there are no technical objections to the scheme. If the scheme is approved on 31 January, it is intended that the section 106 agreement will be signed within one month.

The Proposed Housing Allocation

Bellway supports the allocation of 600 dwellings to the west of Rochford in line with the preferred site option and supporting policy (SER2) put forward in the consultation document.

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