Allocations Submission Document

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Allocations Submission Document

Policy SER3 - West Hockley

Representation ID: 28824

Received: 25/01/2013

Respondent: Pond Chase c/o Boyer Planning

Agent: Boyer Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Representations submitted in support of the Allocations Submission Document in so far as it relates to land at West Hockley under Policy SER3 and Figure 9.

Full text:

These representations are made by Boyer Planning on behalf of Pond Chase. These representations are submitted in support of the Allocations Submission Document in so far as it relates to land at West Hockley under Policy SER3 and Figure 9.

Your records will show that the Pond Chase site which forms part of the site allocation has been subject of a planning application where the Planning Committee have resolved to grant planning permission subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement. The completion of that agreement is currently in hand.

The Policy, associated Figure 9 and the supporting text sets out a number of detailed considerations which are generally supported. Nevertheless, there will need to be a flexible approach to allow for any change in circumstances, particularly in respect of economic viability. Such matters can be considered at the application stage.

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