Allocations Submission Document
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Allocations Submission Document
Policy SER6 - South West Hullbridge
Representation ID: 29004
Received: 25/01/2013
Respondent: H R Philpot and Sons and P W Robinson
Agent: Strutt & Parker
In summary policy SER 6 is fully supported and the proposed boundaries of this site are considered to be fully supported and justified in planning policy terms. I must also note that the land is ready and available. The landowners are as one and the site can be delivered accordingly should additional land be required.
I write in relation to Rochford District Council's current consultation on the emerging Site Allocations Development Plan Document Submission Draft (2013). This representation has been prepared by Strutt and Parker LLP on behalf of H R Philpot and P W Robinson and Son.
H R Philpot and Sons and P W Robinson are local landowners with interest to the west of Hullbridge. Their land as shown on figure 1 had previously been promoted at both Core Strategy and Site Allocations stage by Bidwells. Strutt and Parker have now been appointed to promote land to the west of Hullbridge on their behalf and act as their planning agent.
Policy SER6
This representation is made specifically in relation to policy SER6, which relates to land at South-West Hullbridge. Our clients fully support this policy, which is considered for the purposes of this consultation to be 'sound.' The policy meets all of the tests identified in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for emerging Development Plans, in that it is considered to be fully justified, effective and consistent with national policy.
The principle of allocating this area of land was established as part of the adopted Core Strategy (policies H2 and H3), which make provision for a minimum of 500 dwellings to be delivered at land at south- west Hullbridge over the Development Plan period. The Site Allocations plan seeks to clearly define the boundaries for the south- west Hullbridge site allocation. The proposed boundaries are fully supported and provide a logical expansion to Hullbridge. In particular the proposed residential allocation SER 6b is well related to the existing north and west development boundaries of Hullbridge and Hullbridge village centre. It will provide both a sustainable expansion to the village, which has a limited impact on the countryside.
The land under the control of our clients covers an area of 38.6 hectares and is located immediately adjacent to the west boundary of SER6b. It also extends north and adjoins the existing west development boundary of the village. Our client's site is very well related to the existing residential development in Hullbridge. Once SER6b has been completed our clients land will have a continuous eastern frontage with the development boundary for Hullbridge. The location of the site is shown on figure 1.
It is considered that when Rochford District Council undertake a review of the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan that our clients site should be allocated for a residential lead development. Our client's site is considered to be without question the most suitable site to deliver the medium to longer term growth in Hullbridge. This is based on its very sustainable location in close proximity to the village centre and being well enclosed in the countryside by the development and growth area boundaries to the east and by the river Crouch to the north.
It is appreciated that the review of the Local Plan will be sometime in the future and will be dependent on the speed that the current allocations are completed and the level of demand for new housing. However, in accordance with the NPPF it is appropriate for the Council to consider both the medium and longer term housing needs of the District. On this basis Rochford District Council should be informed that our client's site is fully deliverable and available for residential use. In the event that any of the allocated sites within the Site Allocations Plan prove not to be deliverable or if there is a requirement for additional housing within the District prior to the completion of the current plan period, our clients would be prepared to engage with the Council in relation to the early delivery of land to the west Hullbridge.
In summary policy SER 6 is fully supported and the proposed boundaries of this site are considered to be fully supported and justified in planning policy terms. I must also note that the land is ready and available. The landowners are as one and the site can be delivered accordingly should additional land be required.
We do not consider it necessary to speak at the Examination in Public but would ask that you take this representation into consideration prior to the adoption of the Site Allocations Plan.