Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Draft Policy DM4 - Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

Representation ID: 28319

Received: 27/02/2012

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Representation Summary:

The imposition of minimum space standards, including a minimum floor to ceiling height, is overly prescriptive, and could impact on scheme viability, housing choice, and the efficient use of land. It is not clear why the standards relate more closely to the higher EP requirements rather than those of the HCA. Although it is accepted that planning should seek to ensure that dwellings are well laid out and offer satisfactory levels of amenity, the precise size of private dwellings should principally be a matter for the market. No existing problem has been identified; there is no justification for this policy.

Full text:

The imposition of minimum space standards, including a minimum floor to ceiling height, is overly prescriptive, and could impact on scheme viability, housing choice, and the efficient use of land. It is not clear why the standards relate more closely to the higher EP requirements rather than those of the HCA. Although it is accepted that planning should seek to ensure that dwellings are well laid out and offer satisfactory levels of amenity, the precise size of private dwellings should principally be a matter for the market. No existing problem has been identified; there is no justification for this policy.

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