Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM29 - Employment Land
Representation ID: 28308
Received: 24/02/2012
Respondent: Stolkin and Clements (Southend) LLP
Agent: Firstplan
Stolkin & Clements (Southend) LLP support the general approach of draft Policy DM29. An employment park at Tithe Park would meet the draft policy requirements, and would satisfy Policy ED4 of the Core Strategy.
Draft Policy DM29 concerns new and existing employment land. In relation to this policy, our client's site at Tithe Park can provide new employment land required by Policy ED4 of the Core Strategy, for a new strategically located employment park to the south of Great Wakering. We submitted representations to the Site Allocations consultation (Tithe Park is options E23 and 24 of the Allocations Discussion and Consultation Document - February 2010) and will continue to take part in this process. However, we would like to take this opportunity to comment on Draft Policy DM29 which will affect new employment land.
Draft Policy DM29 sets out that new employment land should be of a high quality, safe and inclusive design and any associated infrastructure should be appropriately phased. Potential noise and light pollution should be adequately mitigated against. Stolkin & Clements (Southend) LLP support this approach: a new employment park at Tithe Park would be designed to a high standard including use of renewable technology and sustainable construction principles; it would be fully DDA compliant; and would be well connected to access the local facilities in the urban area of Southend.
The Tithe Park site is large enough to ensure that there will be no impact on surrounding residential properties in terms of noise and pollution, for example by locating any potentially noisy uses away from surrounding residential properties. This is important and we agree that the impact on residential amenity should be referenced in Draft Policy DM29.
It is envisaged that the employment park at Tithe Park would be geared towards fostering small and medium sized businesses. A number of facilities would be provided for new start-ups including shared reception areas, meeting rooms, and administrative. There will be an emphasis of sharing knowledge and skills.
An employment park at Tithe Park would therefore be in accordance with Rochford's objective of improving the employment prospects of residents by raising skills, improving the areas competitiveness and creating places which attract inward investment.