Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM1 - Design of New Developments
Representation ID: 28297
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
It is important that new developments relate to the character of the locality and ensure that it does not have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the area.
The list proposed is considered to be comprehensive and should ensure that developments are appropriately designed.
It is important that new developments relate to the character of the locality and ensure that it does not have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the area.
The list proposed is considered to be comprehensive and should ensure that developments are appropriately designed.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM2 - Density of New Developments
Representation ID: 28298
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
The most efficient use of land should be sought though good design having regard to local characteristics, the type and range of housing provided and prevailing national planning policy.
We welcome the aspirations to optimise the capacity of potential housing sites, but also recognise that housing should meet the needs of the whole housing market and that includes the demand for both smaller and larger dwellings, which would have an impact on housing densities. The most efficient use of land should be sought though good design having regard to local characteristics, the type and range of housing provided and prevailing national planning policy. Those sites in the most sustainable locations (within town centres and transport corridors), which
have the ability to access services by means other than private car (public transport, cycling and walking) are maximised and should seek to have a higher net density (circa. 50 dwellings or more per hectare).
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM4 - Habitable Floorspace for New Developments
Representation ID: 28299
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
Agree that new dwellings should form part of well planned developments and that the rooms are of a good size and layout to afford future occupiers a good standard of amenity, suitability for modern living.
Agree that new dwellings should form part of well planned developments and that the rooms are of a good size and layout to afford future occupiers a good standard of amenity, suitability for modern living.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM25 - Other Important Landscape Features
Representation ID: 28300
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
In developing proposals for a site it is important to consider the various landscape elements and consider the contribution to the landscape but also the potential impact to develop a site efficiently (e.g. a single tree could affect access on to a site and its development potential).
In addition, to buildings the character of an area is made up of landscape, with the landscape made up of a range of landscape elements. In developing proposals for a site it is important to consider the various landscape elements and consider the contribution to the landscape but also the potential impact to develop a site efficiently (e.g. a single tree could affect access on to a site and its development potential). Therefore, the development of sites should consider the importance of landscape features (e.g. hedgerows), which could be removed in order to improve the layout and design of the resultant
development. However, the loss of any landscape feature should be mitigated by the inclusion of additional landscape features, which should include a range of native species to enhance the areas flora and fauna. This will ensure that development have a positive effect on the landscape character of the area.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM27 - Parking Standards
Representation ID: 28301
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
It is accepted that developments which are located in sustainable locations, and are well related to public transport, will be accessible by means other than private car. However, the provision of too many parking spaces will be counter productive as it will encourage people to use private cars ahead of other means of transport.
It is accepted that developments which are located in sustainable locations, and are well related to public transport, will be accessible by means other than private car. However, the provision of too many parking spaces will be counter productive as it will encourage people to use private cars ahead of other means of transport.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM28 - Traffic Management
Representation ID: 28302
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
All developments (including residential proposals), should be well related to public transport, and / or accessible by means other than the private car, in order to encourage the use of public transport, together with cycling and walking.
The provision of a safe and convenient network of cycle and pedestrian routes linking homes with workplace, services and town centres will assist in the safe movement of people around the area.
All developments (including residential proposals), should be well related to public transport, and / or accessible by means other than the private car, in order to encourage the use of public transport, together with cycling and walking.
The provision of a safe and convenient network of cycle and pedestrian routes linking homes with workplace, services and town centres will assist in the safe movement of people around the area.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM29 - Employment Land
Representation ID: 28303
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
In accordance with the sequential policies contained within PPS4, it is important that new locations for commercial uses are sustainable and have access to public transport (to discourage employees driving to work), and ensure that employees have access to a range services and facilities.
In accordance with the sequential policies contained within PPS4, it is important that new locations for commercial uses are sustainable and have access to public transport (to discourage employees driving to work), and ensure that employees have access to a range services and facilities.
Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
Draft Policy DM33 - Village and Neighbourhood Shops
Representation ID: 28304
Received: 21/02/2012
Respondent: Colliers International
Support the retention and enhancement of existing village / neighbourhood shops as they are accessible by means other than the private car and essential in meeting the day-to-day needs of residents; while also generating a level of employment.
With respect of criterion (i) it would be useful to provide clarification on what methods have been used to market the unit and over what time period.
Support the retention and enhancement of existing village / neighbourhood shops as they are accessible by means other than the private car and essential in meeting the day-to-day needs of residents; while also generating a level of employment.
With respect of criterion (i) it would be useful to provide clarification on what methods have been used to market the unit and over what time period.