Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
The Role of the Development Management Development Plan Document
Representation ID: 28324
Received: 27/02/2012
Respondent: The Woodland Trust
1. The Woodland Trust welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation. The Trust is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity. We have three aims: to enable the creation of more native woods and places rich in trees; to protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future; and to inspire everyone to enjoy and value woods and trees. We own over 1,000 sites and have 300,000 members and supporters.
2. The Woodland Trust is delighted to see Draft Policy DM24 - Trees and Woodlands and in particular the implied need to avoid development on ancient woodland. We would, however, like Policy DM24 to be more explicit with regard to protection of ancient woodland.
3. The Biodiversity Strategy for England (Biodiversity 2020: A Strategy for England's Wildlife & Ecosystem Services, Defra 2011, see 'Forestry' para 2.16) states that - "We are committed to providing appropriate protection to ancient woodlands and to more restoration of plantations on ancient woodland site".
4. In addition The Government's Natural Environment White Paper - The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature (HM Government, July 2011, para 2.56) states that: "The Government is committed to providing appropriate protection to ancient woodlands...." and the draft National Policy Planning Framework clearly states: "...planning permission should be refused for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland and the loss of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland..." (DCLG, July 2011, para 169).
5. We fully support the inclusion of the Natural England publication Standing Advice for Ancient Woodland (Issued 23 February 2011) and feel that greater weight needs to be placed on paragraph 3.1 (page5) of this document which states "Ancient woodland is an irreplaceable resource of great importance for its wildlife, its history and the contribution it makes to our diverse landscapes. Local authorities have a vital role in ensuring its conservation, in particular through the planning system. This advice aims to help you, the local planning authority, to meet your obligations to protect ancient woodland from damage or loss by development. This is with particular regard to the requirements under PPS9 which states: "Local Planning Authorities should not grant planning permission for any development ...".
6. In terms of compensatory measures, it is impossible to replace ancient woodland as this habitat has evolved over centuries and it is impossible to replace hundreds of years of ecological evolution by planting a new site or attempting to translocate them. For these reasons the Trust believes ancient woodland must be given absolute protection under this plan, and this or any similar restrictive caveat should be deleted.
1. The Woodland Trust welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation. The Trust is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity. We have three aims: to enable the creation of more native woods and places rich in trees; to protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future; and to inspire everyone to enjoy and value woods and trees. We own over 1,000 sites and have 300,000 members and supporters.
2. The Woodland Trust is delighted to see Draft Policy DM24 - Trees and Woodlands and in particular the implied need to avoid development on ancient woodland. We would, however, like Policy DM24 to be more explicit with regard to protection of ancient woodland.
3. The Biodiversity Strategy for England (Biodiversity 2020: A Strategy for England's Wildlife & Ecosystem Services, Defra 2011, see 'Forestry' para 2.16) states that - "We are committed to providing appropriate protection to ancient woodlands and to more restoration of plantations on ancient woodland site".
4. In addition The Government's Natural Environment White Paper - The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature (HM Government, July 2011, para 2.56) states that: "The Government is committed to providing appropriate protection to ancient woodlands...." and the draft National Policy Planning Framework clearly states: "...planning permission should be refused for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland and the loss of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland..." (DCLG, July 2011, para 169).
5. We fully support the inclusion of the Natural England publication Standing Advice for Ancient Woodland (Issued 23 February 2011) and feel that greater weight needs to be placed on paragraph 3.1 (page5) of this document which states "Ancient woodland is an irreplaceable resource of great importance for its wildlife, its history and the contribution it makes to our diverse landscapes. Local authorities have a vital role in ensuring its conservation, in particular through the planning system. This advice aims to help you, the local planning authority, to meet your obligations to protect ancient woodland from damage or loss by development. This is with particular regard to the requirements under PPS9 which states: "Local Planning Authorities should not grant planning permission for any development ...".
6. In terms of compensatory measures, it is impossible to replace ancient woodland as this habitat has evolved over centuries and it is impossible to replace hundreds of years of ecological evolution by planting a new site or attempting to translocate them. For these reasons the Trust believes ancient woodland must be given absolute protection under this plan, and this or any similar restrictive caveat should be deleted.