Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Evidence Base

Representation ID: 28275

Received: 01/02/2012

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

In addition to the documents listed, the following should be included:
- South Essex Water Cycle Study Technical Report (April 2011)
- South Essex Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 Report (April 2011)

Full text:

In addition to the documents listed, the following should be included:
- South Essex Water Cycle Study Technical Report (April 2011)
- South Essex Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 Report (April 2011)


Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document


Representation ID: 28276

Received: 01/02/2012

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We support the need for environmental considerations to be included in directing the strategy for housing growth.

In line with Objective 6, it is important that appropriate infrastructure accompanies new development, particularly ensuring there is adequate capacity in the sewer network (as highlighted as requiring assessment by the Water Cycle Study, April 2011).

Full text:

We support the need for environmental considerations to be included in directing the strategy for housing growth.

In line with Objective 6, it is important that appropriate infrastructure accompanies new development, particularly ensuring there is adequate capacity in the sewer network (as highlighted as requiring assessment by the Water Cycle Study, April 2011).


Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Draft Policy DM1 - Design of New Developments

Representation ID: 28278

Received: 01/02/2012

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

In accordance with paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 above the design should also take into account how the buildings will adapt to and limit the effects of climate change, specifically how they will meet the requirements of Code for Sustainable Homes or BREEAM rating.

Full text:

In accordance with paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 above the design should also take into account how the buildings will adapt to and limit the effects of climate change, specifically how they will meet the requirements of Code for Sustainable Homes or BREEAM rating.


Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Draft Policy DM25 - Other Important Landscape Features

Representation ID: 28279

Received: 01/02/2012

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Green and blue infrastructure should be included in all developments.

Full text:

We support the need to ensure developments retain water and green features such as watercourses, ponds and lakes,where at all possible. These features help to form networks of green and blue infrastructure in developments, which have many benefits for adaptation to the impacts of climate change, including:
* Reducing the impact of urban run-off by reducing surface flow;
* Safeguarding areas for biodiversity and creating or retaining links between urban and rural areas;
* Improving water quality and attenuation;
* Reducing the impacts of the urban heat island effect;
* Providing shading for buildings and outdoor spaces; and
* Reducing particulates in the air and reducing noise levels.

Establishing ecological corridors and networks helps to form more ecologically resilient landscapes. The ability to design a joined up strategic green and blue infrastructure network can provide important connectivity to allow species to move around which will be important in the adaptation to climate change.

Designing and incorporating green and blue infrastructure into all scales of development, will form an important part in adapting to the impacts of climate change.


Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Draft Policy DM25 - Other Important Landscape Features

Representation ID: 28280

Received: 01/02/2012

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

We support the inclusion of the text 'on-site environmental enhancements including opportunities to create/enhance/restore habitats will be sought'

Full text:

We support the inclusion of the text 'on-site environmental enhancements including opportunities to create/enhance/restore habitats will be sought'

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