Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
The Role of the Development Management Development Plan Document
Representation ID: 28325
Received: 28/02/2012
Respondent: Planning Potential
Planning Potential acts on behalf of our client Fairview New Homes who have an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. As you are aware, we are of the view that the land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the recently adopted Core Strategy. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities, and specifically, those made in response to the DMD DPD in April 2010.
Whilst our client generally supports the approach taken within the DMD DPD we would like to put forward the following specific comments.
Habitable Floorspace for New Developments
It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 2 preceding Draft Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes; however, these standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.
As mentioned, representations were submitted on behalf of Fairview New Homes in regards to the Development Management DPD consultation in April 2010. Our client maintains the view that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed under Draft Policy DM4 and Table 2 'Minimum Floorspace Standards', and that these are not necessary, and would request their omission, or, reference to the generic "HQI standards" rather than specific standards.
Planning Potential acts on behalf of our client Fairview New Homes who have an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. As you are aware, we are of the view that the land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the recently adopted Core Strategy. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities, and specifically, those made in response to the DMD DPD in April 2010.
Whilst our client generally supports the approach taken within the DMD DPD we would like to put forward the following specific comments.
Habitable Floorspace for New Developments
It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 2 preceding Draft Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes; however, these standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.
As mentioned, representations were submitted on behalf of Fairview New Homes in regards to the Development Management DPD consultation in April 2010. Our client maintains the view that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed under Draft Policy DM4 and Table 2 'Minimum Floorspace Standards', and that these are not necessary, and would request their omission, or, reference to the generic "HQI standards" rather than specific standards.