Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

The Role of the Development Management Development Plan Document

Representation ID: 28323

Received: 27/02/2012

Respondent: Amec Foster Wheeler

Representation Summary:

Rochford District Council: Development Management DPD - Preferred Policy Options Document SUBMISSION ON BEHALF OF NATIONAL GRID
National Grid has appointed AMEC (formerly Entec) to review and respond to development plan consultations on its behalf. We are instructed by our client to submit the following representation with regards to the current consultation on the above document.

Overview - National Grid
National Grid is a leading international energy infrastructure business. In the UK National Grid's business includes electricity and gas transmission networks and gas distribution networks as described below.
Electricity Transmission
National Grid, as the holder of a licence to transmit electricity under the Electricity Act 1989, has a statutory duty to develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical transmission system of electricity and to facilitate competition in the supply and generation of electricity.
National Grid operates the national electricity transmission network across Great Britain and owns and maintains the network in England and Wales, providing electricity supplies from generating stations to local distribution companies. We do not distribute electricity to individual premises ourselves, but our role in the
wholesale market is key to ensuring a reliable and quality supply to all. National Grid's high voltage electricity system, which operates at 400,000 and 275,000 volts, is made up of approximately 22,000 pylons with an overhead line route length of 4,500 miles, 420 miles of underground cable and 337 substations.
Separate regional companies own and operate the electricity distribution networks that comprise overhead lines and cables at 132,000 volts and below. It is the role of these local distribution companies to distribute electricity to homes and businesses.
To facilitate competition in the supply and generation of electricity, National Grid must offer a connection to any proposed generator, major industry or distribution network operator who wishes to generate electricity or requires a high voltage electricity supply. Often proposals for new electricity projects involve
transmission reinforcements remote from the generating site, such as new overhead lines or new development at substations. If there are significant demand increases across a local distribution electricity network area then the local network distribution operator may seek reinforcements at an existing substation or a new grid supply point. In addition National Grid may undertake development works at its existing substations to meet changing patterns of generation and supply.
Gas Transmission
National Grid owns and operates the high pressure gas transmission system in England, Scotland and Wales that consists of approximately 4,300 miles of pipelines and 26 compressor stations connecting to 8 distribution networks. National Grid has a duty to develop and maintain an efficient co-ordinated and
economical transmission system for the conveyance of gas and respond to requests for new gas supplies in certain circumstances.
New gas transmission infrastructure developments (pipelines and associated installations) are periodically required to meet increases in demand and changes in patterns of supply. Developments to our network are as a result of specific connection requests e.g. power stations, and requests for additional capacity on our network from gas shippers. Generally network developments to provide supplies to the local gas distribution network are as a result of overall demand growth in a region rather than site specific developments.
Gas Distribution
National Grid also owns and operates approximately 82,000 miles of lower-pressure distribution gas mains in the north west of England, the west Midlands, east of England and north London - almost half of Britain's gas distribution network, delivering gas to around 11 million homes, offices and factories. National Grid does not supply gas, but provides the networks through which it flows. Reinforcements and developments of our local distribution network generally are as a result of overall demand growth in a region rather than
site specific developments. A competitive market operates for the connection of new developments.
National Grid and Local Development Plan Documents
The Energy White Paper makes clear that UK energy systems will undergo a significant change over the next 20 years. To meet the goals of the white paper it will be necessary to revise and update much of the UK's energy infrastructure during this period. There will be a requirement for:
an expansion of national infrastructure (e.g. overhead power lines, underground cables, extending substations, new gas pipelines and associated installations); and
new forms of infrastructure (e.g. smaller scale distributed generation, gas storage sites). Our gas and electricity infrastructure is sited across the country and many stakeholders and communities have an interest in our activities. We believe our long-term success is based on having a constructive and sustainable relationship with our stakeholders. Our transmission pipelines and overhead lines were originally routed in consultation with local planning authorities and designed to avoid major development areas but since installation much development may have taken place near our routes. We therefore wish to be involved in the preparation, alteration and review of Development Plan Documents
(DPDs) which may affect our assets including policies and plans relating to the following issues:
any policies relating to overhead transmission lines, underground cables or gas pipeline installations;
site specific allocations/land use policies affecting sites crossed by overhead lines, underground cables
or gas transmission pipelines;
land use policies/development proposed adjacent to existing high voltage electricity substation sites
and gas above ground installations;
any policies relating to the diverting or undergrounding of overhead transmission lines;
other policies relating to infrastructure or utility provision;
policies relating to development in the countryside;
landscape policies; and
waste and mineral plans.
In addition, we also want to be consulted by developers and local authorities on planning applications,
which may affect our assets and are happy to provide pre-application advice. Our aim in this is to ensure
that the safe and secure transportation of electricity and gas is not compromised.
National Grid infrastructure within Rochford District Council's administrative area
Electricity Transmission
National Grid's high voltage electricity overhead transmission lines / underground cables within Rochford District Council's administrative area that form an essential part of the electricity transmission network in England and Wales include the following:
4VB line - 400kV route from Braintree substation in Braintree to Rayleigh substation in Rochford
ZT line - 132kV route from Bradwell substation in Maldon to Rayleigh via Rayleigh substation in Rochford
PJA line - 132kV route from Rayleigh substation in Rochford to Rayleigh
PJB line - 132kV route from Rayleigh substation in Rochford to Rayleigh
The following substations are also located within the administrative area of Rochford District Council:
Rayleigh substation - 400kV and 132kV
National Grid has provided information in relation to electricity transmission assets, including maps and GIS shape files showing their broad locations, via the following internet link:
Gas Transmission
National Grid has no gas transmission assets located within the administrative area of Rochford District
Electricity and Gas Distribution
UK Power Networks owns and operates the local electricity distribution network in Rochford District Council's administrative area.
Contact details for UK Power Networks can be found on the Energy Networks website:
National Grid Gas Distribution owns and operates the local gas distribution network in the Rochford District Council area. If you require site specific advice relating to our local gas distribution network then information should be sought from: National Grid Plant Protection
Further Advice
National Grid is happy to provide advice and guidance to the Council concerning our networks. If we can be of any assistance to you in providing informal comments in confidence during your policy development, please do not hesitate to contact us. In addition the following publications are available from the National
Grid website or by contacting us at the address overleaf:
National Grid's commitments when undertaking works in the UK - our stakeholder, community and amenity policy;
specification for Safe Working in the Vicinity of National Grid High Pressure Gas Pipelines and Associated Installations - Requirements for Third Parties; and
A sense of place - design guidelines for development near high voltage overhead lines.

Full text:

Rochford District Council: Development Management DPD - Preferred Policy Options Document SUBMISSION ON BEHALF OF NATIONAL GRID
National Grid has appointed AMEC (formerly Entec) to review and respond to development plan consultations on its behalf. We are instructed by our client to submit the following representation with regards to the current consultation on the above document.

Overview - National Grid
National Grid is a leading international energy infrastructure business. In the UK National Grid's business includes electricity and gas transmission networks and gas distribution networks as described below.
Electricity Transmission
National Grid, as the holder of a licence to transmit electricity under the Electricity Act 1989, has a statutory duty to develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical transmission system of electricity and to facilitate competition in the supply and generation of electricity.
National Grid operates the national electricity transmission network across Great Britain and owns and maintains the network in England and Wales, providing electricity supplies from generating stations to local distribution companies. We do not distribute electricity to individual premises ourselves, but our role in the
wholesale market is key to ensuring a reliable and quality supply to all. National Grid's high voltage electricity system, which operates at 400,000 and 275,000 volts, is made up of approximately 22,000 pylons with an overhead line route length of 4,500 miles, 420 miles of underground cable and 337 substations.
Separate regional companies own and operate the electricity distribution networks that comprise overhead lines and cables at 132,000 volts and below. It is the role of these local distribution companies to distribute electricity to homes and businesses.
To facilitate competition in the supply and generation of electricity, National Grid must offer a connection to any proposed generator, major industry or distribution network operator who wishes to generate electricity or requires a high voltage electricity supply. Often proposals for new electricity projects involve
transmission reinforcements remote from the generating site, such as new overhead lines or new development at substations. If there are significant demand increases across a local distribution electricity network area then the local network distribution operator may seek reinforcements at an existing substation or a new grid supply point. In addition National Grid may undertake development works at its existing substations to meet changing patterns of generation and supply.
Gas Transmission
National Grid owns and operates the high pressure gas transmission system in England, Scotland and Wales that consists of approximately 4,300 miles of pipelines and 26 compressor stations connecting to 8 distribution networks. National Grid has a duty to develop and maintain an efficient co-ordinated and
economical transmission system for the conveyance of gas and respond to requests for new gas supplies in certain circumstances.
New gas transmission infrastructure developments (pipelines and associated installations) are periodically required to meet increases in demand and changes in patterns of supply. Developments to our network are as a result of specific connection requests e.g. power stations, and requests for additional capacity on our network from gas shippers. Generally network developments to provide supplies to the local gas distribution network are as a result of overall demand growth in a region rather than site specific developments.
Gas Distribution
National Grid also owns and operates approximately 82,000 miles of lower-pressure distribution gas mains in the north west of England, the west Midlands, east of England and north London - almost half of Britain's gas distribution network, delivering gas to around 11 million homes, offices and factories. National Grid does not supply gas, but provides the networks through which it flows. Reinforcements and developments of our local distribution network generally are as a result of overall demand growth in a region rather than
site specific developments. A competitive market operates for the connection of new developments.
National Grid and Local Development Plan Documents
The Energy White Paper makes clear that UK energy systems will undergo a significant change over the next 20 years. To meet the goals of the white paper it will be necessary to revise and update much of the UK's energy infrastructure during this period. There will be a requirement for:
an expansion of national infrastructure (e.g. overhead power lines, underground cables, extending substations, new gas pipelines and associated installations); and
new forms of infrastructure (e.g. smaller scale distributed generation, gas storage sites). Our gas and electricity infrastructure is sited across the country and many stakeholders and communities have an interest in our activities. We believe our long-term success is based on having a constructive and sustainable relationship with our stakeholders. Our transmission pipelines and overhead lines were originally routed in consultation with local planning authorities and designed to avoid major development areas but since installation much development may have taken place near our routes. We therefore wish to be involved in the preparation, alteration and review of Development Plan Documents
(DPDs) which may affect our assets including policies and plans relating to the following issues:
any policies relating to overhead transmission lines, underground cables or gas pipeline installations;
site specific allocations/land use policies affecting sites crossed by overhead lines, underground cables
or gas transmission pipelines;
land use policies/development proposed adjacent to existing high voltage electricity substation sites
and gas above ground installations;
any policies relating to the diverting or undergrounding of overhead transmission lines;
other policies relating to infrastructure or utility provision;
policies relating to development in the countryside;
landscape policies; and
waste and mineral plans.
In addition, we also want to be consulted by developers and local authorities on planning applications,
which may affect our assets and are happy to provide pre-application advice. Our aim in this is to ensure
that the safe and secure transportation of electricity and gas is not compromised.
National Grid infrastructure within Rochford District Council's administrative area
Electricity Transmission
National Grid's high voltage electricity overhead transmission lines / underground cables within Rochford District Council's administrative area that form an essential part of the electricity transmission network in England and Wales include the following:
4VB line - 400kV route from Braintree substation in Braintree to Rayleigh substation in Rochford
ZT line - 132kV route from Bradwell substation in Maldon to Rayleigh via Rayleigh substation in Rochford
PJA line - 132kV route from Rayleigh substation in Rochford to Rayleigh
PJB line - 132kV route from Rayleigh substation in Rochford to Rayleigh
The following substations are also located within the administrative area of Rochford District Council:
Rayleigh substation - 400kV and 132kV
National Grid has provided information in relation to electricity transmission assets, including maps and GIS shape files showing their broad locations, via the following internet link:
Gas Transmission
National Grid has no gas transmission assets located within the administrative area of Rochford District
Electricity and Gas Distribution
UK Power Networks owns and operates the local electricity distribution network in Rochford District Council's administrative area.
Contact details for UK Power Networks can be found on the Energy Networks website:
National Grid Gas Distribution owns and operates the local gas distribution network in the Rochford District Council area. If you require site specific advice relating to our local gas distribution network then information should be sought from: National Grid Plant Protection
Further Advice
National Grid is happy to provide advice and guidance to the Council concerning our networks. If we can be of any assistance to you in providing informal comments in confidence during your policy development, please do not hesitate to contact us. In addition the following publications are available from the National
Grid website or by contacting us at the address overleaf:
National Grid's commitments when undertaking works in the UK - our stakeholder, community and amenity policy;
specification for Safe Working in the Vicinity of National Grid High Pressure Gas Pipelines and Associated Installations - Requirements for Third Parties; and
A sense of place - design guidelines for development near high voltage overhead lines.

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