Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

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Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Draft Policy DM15 - Playing Pitches and Other Leisure and Recreational Activities

Representation ID: 28306

Received: 24/02/2012


Representation Summary:

Sport England welcomes the broad thrust of the policy, but suggest that in only allowing new playing pitch proposals in areas of pitch supply deficit, that the policy is unduly restrictive. Playing pitch proposals may also come about under the circumstances envisaged by paragraphs 13 and 15 (iii) of PPG17 (replacement pitches for a facility being lost elsewhere), but they might not meet the policy as currently worded as they might not be in areas of deficit of supply. Playing pitch development does not occur speculatively and as such we are concerned that the policy as currently worded is unduly restrictive.

Full text:

Sport England welcomes the broad thrust of the policy, but suggest that in only allowing new playing pitch proposals in areas of pitch supply deficit, that the policy is unduly restrictive. Playing pitch proposals may also come about under the circumstances envisaged by paragraphs 13 and 15 (iii) of PPG17 (replacement pitches for a facility being lost elsewhere), but they might not meet the policy as currently worded as they might not be in areas of deficit of supply. Playing pitch development does not occur speculatively and as such we are concerned that the policy as currently worded is unduly restrictive.


Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document

Playing Pitches and Other Leisure and Recreational Activities

Representation ID: 28307

Received: 24/02/2012


Representation Summary:

Issues raised by reference to minimum sizes in Sport England Design Guidance (par 3.35)

Full text:

The need to ensure permanent structures are the minimum size necessary is understood, however the direct reference to minimum sizes in Sport England's design guidance on pavillions and club-houses might in itself prove problematic - by facilities being provided that are inflexible and poorly related to the range sports which seek to use the playing field. Our guidance recommends different sized changing room space for different pitch sports (dependant on numbers of players and the amount of equipment) and the number and type of playing pitches set out on a site can vary over time. Equally social space can be vital to some sports (such as cricket), as opposed to simply desirable for other sports. As such Sport England recommends that that the reasoned justification is a little less exacting here. For example it could suggests that the the size of the pavillion should no be larger than that shown to be essential to meet the needs of the sports that will utilise the playing pitches - and that this will be judged having regard to the relevant NGB or Sport England design guidance notes.

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