Development Management Policies DPD

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Development Management Policies DPD

DM6 Telecommunications - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 21266

Received: 27/04/2010

Respondent: Mobile Operators Association

Representation Summary:

We note the inclulsion of Policy DM6 Telecommunications as a preferred option for the above emerging Development Plan Document. We both welcome the inclusion of this policy to facilitate telecommunications development and support its provisions which we find to be generally in accordance with PPG8.

Full text:

We write to your planning authority on behalf of the Mobile Operators Association (MOA), which consists of:

Huchison 3G UK Limited ('3')
O2 (UK) Limited ('O2')
Orange PCS Limited ('Orange')
T-Mobile UK Limited ('T-Mobile'); and
Vodafone Limited ('Vodafone').

Many thanks for your letter dated 17th March 2010 regarding the above.

We note the inclulsion of Policy DM6 Telecommunications as a preferred option for the above emerging Development Plan Document. We both welcome the inclusion of this policy to facilitate telecommunications development and support its provisions which we find to be generally in accordance with PPG8.

We trust you find the above comments of assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss this further or wish to arrange a meeting.

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