Development Management Policies DPD

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Development Management Policies DPD

DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 25569

Received: 30/04/2010

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential

Representation Summary:

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Full text:

Our client, Fairview New Homes has an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. The land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the imminent Core Strategy Examination. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities.

Fairview New Homes support the intentions of the Development Management DPD in that it is consistent with National and Regional policy by the fact it contains a number of specific policies seeking to deliver appropriate development in the District. On behalf of Fairview New Homes, these representations make a number specific points relating to particular preferred policies contained within the draft Development Management DPD.

Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.


During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Light Pollution

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.


Development Management Policies DPD

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

Representation ID: 25570

Received: 30/04/2010

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential

Representation Summary:

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.

Full text:

Our client, Fairview New Homes has an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. The land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the imminent Core Strategy Examination. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities.

Fairview New Homes support the intentions of the Development Management DPD in that it is consistent with National and Regional policy by the fact it contains a number of specific policies seeking to deliver appropriate development in the District. On behalf of Fairview New Homes, these representations make a number specific points relating to particular preferred policies contained within the draft Development Management DPD.

Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.


During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Light Pollution

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.


Development Management Policies DPD

DM2 Density of New Developments - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 25571

Received: 30/04/2010

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential

Representation Summary:

During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Full text:

Our client, Fairview New Homes has an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. The land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the imminent Core Strategy Examination. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities.

Fairview New Homes support the intentions of the Development Management DPD in that it is consistent with National and Regional policy by the fact it contains a number of specific policies seeking to deliver appropriate development in the District. On behalf of Fairview New Homes, these representations make a number specific points relating to particular preferred policies contained within the draft Development Management DPD.

Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.


During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Light Pollution

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.


Development Management Policies DPD

DM5 Light Pollution - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 25572

Received: 30/04/2010

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential

Representation Summary:

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

Full text:

Our client, Fairview New Homes has an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. The land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the imminent Core Strategy Examination. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities.

Fairview New Homes support the intentions of the Development Management DPD in that it is consistent with National and Regional policy by the fact it contains a number of specific policies seeking to deliver appropriate development in the District. On behalf of Fairview New Homes, these representations make a number specific points relating to particular preferred policies contained within the draft Development Management DPD.

Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.


During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Light Pollution

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.


Development Management Policies DPD

The Green Belt and Countryside

Representation ID: 25573

Received: 30/04/2010

Respondent: Fairview New Homes Ltd

Agent: Planning Potential

Representation Summary:

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.

Full text:

Our client, Fairview New Homes has an interest in a parcel of land described as land off Poyntens Road in Rayleigh. The land represents a suitable site for new residential development to be delivered in the forthcoming plan period. Fairview New Homes has sought to actively participate during all available opportunities of the Local Development Framework process, including the imminent Core Strategy Examination. The comments below are made in line with representations submitted previously during other public consultation opportunities.

Fairview New Homes support the intentions of the Development Management DPD in that it is consistent with National and Regional policy by the fact it contains a number of specific policies seeking to deliver appropriate development in the District. On behalf of Fairview New Homes, these representations make a number specific points relating to particular preferred policies contained within the draft Development Management DPD.

Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity

It is proposed on page 12 of the draft Development Management DPD that concept statements will be prepared by the Council. Where concept statements are deemed necessary by the Local Planning Authority these should be developed alongside landowners and developers to ensure workable and deliverable design parameters are defined.

It appears there is a significant degree of duplication of design requirements throughout various policy documents. It is understood that design is best developed on a site by site basis to ensure the best possible solution is reached in each instance and as a result the contents of Preferred Policy DM1 are largely arbitrary by default. However, the list of considerations set out in Preferred Policy DM1 do not act to inform an applicant what design principles are likely to be found appropriate. Given the subjective nature of design the contents of the preferred policy does little to direct application proposals.

Habitable Floorspace for New Developments

It is the view of Fairview New Homes that further floorspace standards in addition to the Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) are not required as proposed in Table 1 preceding Preferred Policy DM4. The HQIs were promoted by DETR and the National Housing Federation to be used 'as a flexible management tool of housing quality used by consumers and developers alike for new and existing stock in both the public and private sectors'. Since the conception of the standards in 1998 they have been progressively refined and updated. As a result the HQI standards have become the accepted and understood figures by both public and private sectors of the development industry. It is understood that the HQI standards are currently only applicable to affordable housing schemes, however, the standards can easily be used in parallel for privately funded scheme rather than introducing duplicate standards.


During our involvement throughout the LDF process we have been informed by Policy Officers that it is the Council's approach to adopt a high density approach to residential development on sites allocated for housing purposes so as to avoid the uptake of green field land elsewhere in the District. We understand that the quantum of housing proposed on strategic housing sites identified in the Core Strategy have been refined to reflect this approach. On this basis the Development Management DPD should adopt a similar approach to bring the document in line with both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations Document. Higher density development will ensure greater quantum of housing is developed and therefore also increase the District's affordable housing delivery. Fairview New Homes, therefore, supports the high density option proposed in Policy DM2.

Light Pollution

On behalf of Fairview New Homes, we do not see the need for the inclusion Policy DM5 in the Development Management DPD. In line with national guidance the Council's application validation checklist should adequately control the need for a lighting scheme commensurate to the scale of the proposed development.

The Green Belt and Countryside

It is recognised in both the Core Strategy and emerging Site Allocations document that the release of some Green Belt land will be necessary in order to meet the District's housing requirements. This is currently not reflected in the Development Management DPD. Whilst it is understood that the contents of the Core Strategy and the strategic housing sites identified in the document provides the overarching policies direction for Green Belt management in the District the Development Management DPD needs to be brought in line with these policies in order to reflect the changes that are proposed to the Green Belt.

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