Development Management Policies DPD

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Development Management Policies DPD

Are there any other issues which should be addressed within the Green Belt and Countryside chapter?

Representation ID: 17642

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Steven Abbott Associates North Quarry Office

Representation Summary:

Additional policy required to deal with major developed sites in the Green Belt, including Baltic Wharf (and adjoiniing areas).
That policy to provide a flexible and pragmatic policy framework for the future development/redevelopment of the site in accordance with Annex C of PPG2.

Full text:

Through proposed changes to the Core Strategy Submission Document (in response to representations 15740 Object and 15741 Object) it is proposed that Baltic Wharf, Essex Marina and other associated areas will be recognised as an exisitng substantial and major developed site in the Green Belt. Furthermore, the changes proposed by the Local Planning Authority state: "The redevelopment framework for the site should be recognised in the context of future expansion of the marina based facilities but including a broad range of developments and land uses". Consistency with Annex c of PPG2 is indicated as a guiding policy framework.
It is vital that the thrust of the policy framework in the Core Strategy is given a more detailed perspective in the Development Management DPD - enabling the physical extent of the major developed site to be defined, and the broad range of developments and uses to be set out.
The present Development Management DPD options fail to recognise and address a key aspect of national Green Belt policy - i.e. major developed sites in the Green Belt. An additional policy is required to reflect what is set out in Annex C of PPG2. In particular, given uncertainties in the economy it is vital that a pragmatic and flexible policy framework is provided for the future development/redevelopment of the Baltic Wharf site (and adjoining areas).

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