Development Management Policies DPD

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Development Management Policies DPD

DM10 Existing Businesses in the Green Belt - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 17918

Received: 13/04/2010

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM10. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.

Full text:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM10. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.


Development Management Policies DPD

DM11 Rural Diversification - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 17919

Received: 13/04/2010

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM11. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.

Full text:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM11. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.


Development Management Policies DPD

DM12 Conversion of Existing Agricultural Buildings in the Green Belt - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 17920

Received: 13/04/2010

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM12. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.

Full text:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM12. However, in addition to considering effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network, the council may wish to consider the possible effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.


Development Management Policies DPD

DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 17922

Received: 13/04/2010

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM13. However, the council may wish to consider the possible effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network and effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply, as per Policies DM10, DM11 and DM12. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.

Full text:

Natural England is generally supportive of Policy DM13. However, the council may wish to consider the possible effects of additional generated traffic on the highway network and effects on the capacity of other infrastructure, especially sewerage and power supply, as per Policies DM10, DM11 and DM12. Increased numbers of persons living or working at rural locations may exceed the capacity of existing sewage treatment systems, thus resulting in pollution or a need for upgrading. Increased power demands may require upgrading of local transformers and supply cables. Such upgrades may themselves have significant landscape or ecological impacts.


Development Management Policies DPD

Are there any other issues which should be addressed within the Environmental chapter?

Representation ID: 17924

Received: 13/04/2010

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

In the first bullet point under "By 2025" in the vision, please note that:
1) Natural England's PSA target (set by Defra) is to achieve >95% by area of SSSI land in 'favourable' or 'unfavourable recovering' condition by the end of 2010, therefore we would expect the stated target to have been achieved well before 2025;
2) 'favourable' is the 'best' condition - there is no 'better condition'.

Full text:

In the first bullet point under "By 2025" in the vision, please note that:
1) Natural England's PSA target (set by Defra) is to achieve >95% by area of SSSI land in 'favourable' or 'unfavourable recovering' condition by the end of 2010, therefore we would expect the stated target to have been achieved well before 2025;
2) 'favourable' is the 'best' condition - there is no 'better condition'.

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