Development Management Policies DPD
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Development Management Policies DPD
DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 26079
Received: 07/04/2010
Respondent: Essex County Council
Under Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity it states that 'This chapter elaborates on the core strategic issues by providing policies on specific housing issues and the protection of the historic environment. This section does discuss designated sites, listed buildings etc but fails to include the wider historic environment including archaeological sites and the historic environment. It is therefore recommended that under DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option section vi should be changed to 'impact on the historic environment including designated sites, Conservation Areas and Listed Building archaeological sites and the historic landscape.'
Development Management
It is pleasing to see that the Historic Environment is included within this document; however, it does need to be appropriately integrated within the policies.
Under Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity it states that 'This chapter elaborates on the core strategic issues by providing policies on specific housing issues and the protection of the historic environment. This section does discuss designated sites, listed buildings etc but fails to include the wider historic environment including archaeological sites and the historic environment. It is therefore recommended that under DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option section vi should be changed to 'impact on the historic environment including designated sites, Conservation Areas and Listed Building archaeological sites and the historic landscape.'
Under Tourism Opportunities in the Green Belt and Counctryside the historic environment is not mentioned. The Historic Environment is as important as the impact on the natural environment by the tourism opportunities. It is recommended that an additional point I added to DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option which states the impact on the historic environment.
Under Environment the vision fails to include any reference to the historic environment, however the objectives clearly state 'Protect and enhance sites of local, national and international importance and protect the District's historical and archaeological sites'. It is recommended that under the third bullet point in the 5 year vision the words Historic Environment should be added so that it reads 'Local, national and international sites of nature conservation and historic environment importance are protected'.
For the 2017 section a further bullet point should be added stating 'the local, national and international sites of historic environment importance are being increasingly protected, promoted and enhanced'.
Development Management Policies DPD
DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 26080
Received: 07/04/2010
Respondent: Essex County Council
Under Tourism Opportunities in the Green Belt and Countryside the historic environment is not mentioned. The Historic Environment is as important as the impact on the natural environment by the tourism opportunities. It is recommended that an additional point I added to DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option which states the impact on the historic environment.
Development Management
It is pleasing to see that the Historic Environment is included within this document; however, it does need to be appropriately integrated within the policies.
Under Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity it states that 'This chapter elaborates on the core strategic issues by providing policies on specific housing issues and the protection of the historic environment. This section does discuss designated sites, listed buildings etc but fails to include the wider historic environment including archaeological sites and the historic environment. It is therefore recommended that under DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option section vi should be changed to 'impact on the historic environment including designated sites, Conservation Areas and Listed Building archaeological sites and the historic landscape.'
Under Tourism Opportunities in the Green Belt and Counctryside the historic environment is not mentioned. The Historic Environment is as important as the impact on the natural environment by the tourism opportunities. It is recommended that an additional point I added to DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option which states the impact on the historic environment.
Under Environment the vision fails to include any reference to the historic environment, however the objectives clearly state 'Protect and enhance sites of local, national and international importance and protect the District's historical and archaeological sites'. It is recommended that under the third bullet point in the 5 year vision the words Historic Environment should be added so that it reads 'Local, national and international sites of nature conservation and historic environment importance are protected'.
For the 2017 section a further bullet point should be added stating 'the local, national and international sites of historic environment importance are being increasingly protected, promoted and enhanced'.
Development Management Policies DPD
Representation ID: 26081
Received: 07/04/2010
Respondent: Essex County Council
Under Environment the vision fails to include any reference to the historic environment, however the objectives clearly state 'Protect and enhance sites of local, national and international importance and protect the District's historical and archaeological sites'. It is recommended that under the third bullet point in the 5 year vision the words Historic Environment should be added so that it reads 'Local, national and international sites of nature conservation and historic environment importance are protected'.
For the 2017 section a further bullet point should be added stating 'the local, national and international sites of historic environment importance are being increasingly protected, promoted and enhanced'.
Development Management
It is pleasing to see that the Historic Environment is included within this document; however, it does need to be appropriately integrated within the policies.
Under Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity it states that 'This chapter elaborates on the core strategic issues by providing policies on specific housing issues and the protection of the historic environment. This section does discuss designated sites, listed buildings etc but fails to include the wider historic environment including archaeological sites and the historic environment. It is therefore recommended that under DM1 Design of New Developments - Preferred Option section vi should be changed to 'impact on the historic environment including designated sites, Conservation Areas and Listed Building archaeological sites and the historic landscape.'
Under Tourism Opportunities in the Green Belt and Counctryside the historic environment is not mentioned. The Historic Environment is as important as the impact on the natural environment by the tourism opportunities. It is recommended that an additional point I added to DM13 Green Tourism - Preferred Option which states the impact on the historic environment.
Under Environment the vision fails to include any reference to the historic environment, however the objectives clearly state 'Protect and enhance sites of local, national and international importance and protect the District's historical and archaeological sites'. It is recommended that under the third bullet point in the 5 year vision the words Historic Environment should be added so that it reads 'Local, national and international sites of nature conservation and historic environment importance are protected'.
For the 2017 section a further bullet point should be added stating 'the local, national and international sites of historic environment importance are being increasingly protected, promoted and enhanced'.