Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options

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Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 17094

Received: 28/01/2010

Respondent: EEDA

Representation Summary:

EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Development Plan documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Area Action Plan is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
* sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
* the Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).

Full text:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Rayleigh Area Action Plan, Issues and Options consultation.
EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Development Plan documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Area Action Plan is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
* sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
* the Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).

Planning Policy Statement 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development', 2005 reminds local authorities that in preparing local development plans they should seek to provide a positive planning framework for sustainable growth in support of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES advocates a region that is internationally competitive with a global reputation for innovation and business growth that harnesses and develops the talents and creativity of all and is at the forefront of a low carbon and resource efficient economy.

In addition, Planning Policy Statement 12 'Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning', 2008 recognises that spatial planning is a critical element in relation to economic growth and regeneration. The RES supports and complements the East of England Plan and EEDA supports the implementation of policies within that strategy.


Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 17095

Received: 28/01/2010

Respondent: EEDA

Representation Summary:

The Thames Gateway South Essex sub region is recognised in the RES as a national priority for regeneration and as an engine of growth. As a designated Growth Area the importance of providing sufficient high quality homes matched with business premises is highlighted as a particular challenge as failure to do so could undermine the success of not only the Growth Area but the region as a whole

Rochford is identified in the RES as falling within the Thames Gateway South Essex Engine of Growth with the influence of London having a significant effect on the South Essex economy.

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The Thames Gateway South Essex sub region is recognised in the RES as a national priority for regeneration and as an engine of growth. As a designated Growth Area the importance of providing sufficient high quality homes matched with business premises is highlighted as a particular challenge as failure to do so could undermine the success of not only the Growth Area but the region as a whole.

Rochford is identified in the RES as falling within the Thames Gateway South Essex Engine of Growth with the influence of London having a significant effect on the South Essex economy.


Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 17096

Received: 28/01/2010

Respondent: EEDA

Representation Summary:

The Rochford Core Strategy identifies the important role of Rayleigh town centre as the largest of three town centres within the district. EEDA supports the AAP recognition of the importance of maintaining its vitality and viability by building on its key strengths, cultural attractions and current retail offer. This is especially relevant in relation to the wider region and competing centres such as Southend, Basildon and Chelmsford.

Full text:

The Rochford Core Strategy identifies the important role of Rayleigh town centre as the largest of three town centres within the district. EEDA supports the AAP recognition of the importance of maintaining its vitality and viability by building on its key strengths, cultural attractions and current retail offer. This is especially relevant in relation to the wider region and competing centres such as Southend, Basildon and Chelmsford.


Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 17097

Received: 28/01/2010

Respondent: EEDA

Representation Summary:

EEDA welcomes the undertaking of an ELR (2008) suggesting that office employment is expected to grow significantly and that an additional 2 ha of employment land, for offices uses, is needed.The town centre is identified as a strategic location with the potential to provide some of this need.EEDA asks the Council to consider how this allocation relates to the delivery of the Council's wider employment aspirations. In particular for future growth of high tech industries and office accommodation proposed within the Joint Southend Airport AAP, and its important role as a key economic driver for the sub-region

Full text:

EEDA welcomes the undertaking of an Employment Land Review (2008) which suggests that office employment is expected to grow significantly. Land availability within the district is constrained by Green Belt policy and low levels of vacant land. The ELR suggests that an additional 2 ha of employment land, specifically for offices uses, is needed. The town centre is identified as a strategic location and therefore as having the potential to provide some of this need as part of a mixed use scheme. Whilst this should provide a positive contribution to the future vitality of the town centre, EEDA would ask the Council to consider how such an allocation will relate to the delivery of the Council's wider employment aspirations. In particular, the approach to the future growth of high tech industries and office accommodation as proposed within the Joint Southend Airport AAP, and its important role as a key economic driver for the sub-region.

By addressing these key elements of the RES, the AAP will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.

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