Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
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Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
Representation ID: 16941
Received: 06/11/2009
Respondent: East of England Local Government Association
Question - Are all references to the East of England Plan correct?
Answer - No
Comments - All references to the East of England Plan need to be checked. In particular, para' 3 (page 63) contains two important factual errors:
The region's housing target is 508,000 (not 421,500 as stated);
The Essex Thames Gateway Sub-region has been set an indicative growth target of 55,000 net new jobs (not dwellings), of which 3000 are expected to come forward in Rochford.
The Council is also reminded that the suffix 'RSS14' should no longer be used when referring to the East of England Plan.
Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Thank you for consulting the Assembly on the above matter.
The Regional Planning Panel Standing Committee considered a report on this consultation document at its meeting on 6th November 2009 before endorsing the recommendation that 'the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan does not give rise to any general conformity issues at this stage.'
Our detailed comments are set out in Appendix A of the attached report which, together with this letter, constitutes our formal response at this consultation stage. Please note that in Appendix A, where regional and local policy have been cross-referenced and no comment has been made, the local policy is considered to conform to the East of England Plan.
If you have any queries concerning the content of the report or any other issue relating to conformity with the East of England Plan, please contact either myself of James Cutting, Team Leader: Strategy & Implementation on tel (01284) 729434 or email ''.
To give a response to the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options consultation document.
The Standing Committee is asked to consider the recommendation that the comments in this report constitute the Assembly's formal response to the consultation document.
1. Introduction
1.1 Rochford District Council has published for consultation the Issues and Options stage of the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP). The purpose of this Development Plan Document is to set out how Rochford can accommodate change and new growth while still recognising its Conservation Area status.
1.2 The focus for the AAP is the defined town centre boundary. A copy of the 'Broad Land Use Plan' is included at Appendix B.
1.3 The closing date for comments is Monday 30th November 2009. Further details can be found on the Council's website:
2. Background
2.1 Rochford District covers an area of 168 km2 (65 miles2) and is situated on a peninsula between the River Thames and Crouch. Bounded to the east by the North Sea, it shares marine boundaries with Maldon and Chelmsford, and land boundaries with Basildon, Castle Point and Southend. The A127 and A130 provide strategic road links to the M25 and beyond, and there are direct rail services to London. London Southend Airport is located along the southern boundary with Southend Borough.
2.2 Rochford is the second largest town in the district, and is classified by the Council as a local centre. The 2001 census puts the population at about 7,600. The town centre follows fairly traditional street patterns and has a market square at its heart. Its unique character and layout are regarded as a local asset. Despite a strong local convenience sector Rochford suffers from a significant leakage of spending elsewhere, particularly towards nearby Southend.
2.3 Rochford Railway Station lies to the west of Market Square, and there is a primary school and hospital to the north. To the south-west, Rochford Golf Course provides a green buffer between the town and the nearby Southend Airport. Road and rail links connect Rochford to its close neighbours - Hockley and Southend.
3. Regional and Local Policy
3.1 Regional planning guidance for Rochford is contained within the adopted East of England Plan (May 2008) (the 'Plan') and the remaining saved policies of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Structure Plan. The 'Plan' requires the Rochford district to contribute a minimum of 4,600 new homes and accommodate a share of the Essex Thames Gateways target of 55,000 new jobs between 2001 and 2021.
3.2 Rochford District Council recently went out to consultation on their Submission Core Strategy1. This sets out the development strategy for the District to 2025 and, through Chapter 12 and policy RTC5, the framework against which this AAP is being brought forward. In assessing this AAP, all relevant policies in the East of England Plan have been considered.
4.1 Rochford has a number of limited opportunities for development within its existing built up area. Following initial public consultation, this AAP puts forward eleven sites and explores opportunities for improvements to the street scene (in keeping with the towns conservation area); better traffic circulation, including access to and from key gateways such as the railway station, and opportunities for making better use of existing car parking areas. The AAP also recognises that taking any of these options further is dependent on any number of viability factors, but believes that those sites put forward offer commercially sound development opportunities.
4.2 At this Issues & Options stage, the Rochford Town Centre AAP does not give rise to any general conformity issues. The Assembly also recognises that the Preferred Option for redevelopment is ultimately a matter for local determination. That said, an AAP that aims to deliver the sustainable redevelopment of previously developed land, improved connectivity and greater access to public and non-motorised forms of transport, and promotes a thriving and active town centre that pays appropriate regard to its existing built heritage is supported.
5. Recommendations
5.1 The Standing Committee is asked to consider the recommendation that the comments in this report and Appendix A constitute the Assembly's formal response to this Issues and Options consultation document.
Appendix A
Part two - General Points
Question - Does the area covered lie within the Eastern Region?
Answer - Yes
Question - Are all references to the East of England Plan correct?
Answer - No
Comments - All references to the East of England Plan need to be checked. In particular, para' 3 (page 63) contains two important factual errors:
The region's housing target is 508,000 (not 421,500 as stated);
The Essex Thames Gateway Sub-region has been set an indicative growth target of 55,000 net new jobs (not dwellings), of which 3000 are expected to come forward in Rochford.
The Council is also reminded that the suffix 'RSS14' should no longer be used when referring to the East of England Plan.
Question - Does the area covered include a Key Centre for Development and Change?
Answer - No
Question - Are there any key issues covered by the document that are of strategic or regional importance?
Answer - No
Part three - Consistency/conformity checklist
Question - Is there a clear drive for sustainable development?
EofE plan policy - SS1
AAP ref's - Vision & Objectives
Comments - The broad principles of sustainable development are evident throughout the AAP.
Question - Does policy seek to maximise the use of previously developed land?
EofE plan policy - SS2
AAP ref's - All
Comments - Redevelopment of brownfield site opportunities is consistent with regional policy.
Question - Is there a clear development pattern for urban areas? Is the role of the town centre clear?
EofE plan policy - SS4 SS6
AAP ref's - All
Question - Are regional employment targets met?
EofE plan policy - E1
Comments - This is addressed in the Rochford Core Strategy.
Question - Does the AAP contribute positively towards regional housing targets? Has affordable housing provision in the town centre considered?
EofE plan policy - H1 H2
Comments - The Submission Core Strategy allocates new housing to West Rochford. From this, it is assumed that the area in question lies beyond the AAP boundary. However, the AAP should consider how new housing growth might impact on issues such as transport / public access into the town, and on how it can help support the towns retail sector.
Opportunities for residential development above local shops are considered. These could provide affordable tenure opportunities.
Question - Are culture/leisure issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - C1, C2
AAP ref's - Vision & Objectives
Question - Does the AAP seek to change and influence travel behaviour? Are sustainable urban/rural/local transport issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - T2, T9, TT13 T4, T7, T8
AAP ref's - 2.22-2.26, 2.30-2.41, Objectives & Options, 3.25-3.36
Comments - Existing patterns of traffic movement are identified as a problem.
Any changes that will deliver improvements in pedestrian access, public transport and public transport facilities would be supported. Safe, covered storage facilities at, for example the railway station, may encourage greater use of bicycles.
Question - Are there any policies on parking management?
EofE plan policy - T14
AAP ref's - 2.27-2.29, 3.26-3.27, Site Options
Comments - Rochford has a number of large, ground level, car parks.
Parking controls can be an effective means of influencing travel behaviour. They may also impact on local trade. Any redevelopment of the towns parking areas to meet other needs would be supported, but should only be done as part of a package of measures which deliver improvements in public transport services and greater access via footpaths and cycleways. The AAP will also need to carefully consider what impact parking restrictions may have on the town's current and future retail trade.
Question - Is there a policy relating to green infrastructure?
EofE plan policy - ENV1
AAP ref's - Options, 3.24
Comments - Opportunities that provide green links between the town centre and the more open areas to the south should not be overlooked.
Question - Is conservation/enhancement of the historic environment addressed?
EofE plan policy - ENV6
AAP ref's - 2.15-2.18, Table 3, 3.23
Comments - The need to consider Rochford's Conservation Area status is evident throughout the AAP.
Question - Does this AAP seek to deliver high quality in the built environment?
EofE plan policy - ENV7
AAP ref's - Options
Question - Has the need to reduce carbon emissions been addressed? Are water efficiency measures, water management and flood risk issues addressed? Are waste management issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - ENG1 WAT1-WAT4 WM1-WM8
Comments - Beyond those measures set out in the Core Strategy, the Council should consider whether additional standards for resource efficiency, renewable energy and waste management need to be included in the Area Action Plan.
Question - Is there a policy on implementation and monitoring?
EofE plan policy - IMP1 and IMP2
AAP ref's - 3.37
Part four - Overall Assessment
Question - Is this Development Plan Document in general conformity with the East of England Plan? (If not, what is needed to rectify this?)
Answer - Yes
Comments - At this Issues & Options stage, the Rochford Town Centre AAP does not give rise to any general conformity issues. The Assembly also recognise that the Preferred Option for redevelopment is ultimately a matter for local determination. That said, and AAP that aims to deliver the sustainable redevelopment of previously development land, improved connectivity and greater access to public and non-motorised forms of transport, and promotes a thriving and active town centre that pays appropriate regard to its existing built heritage is supported.
Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
Representation ID: 16942
Received: 06/11/2009
Respondent: East of England Local Government Association
At this Issues & Options stage, the Rochford Town Centre AAP does not give rise to any general conformity issues. The Assembly also recognise that the Preferred Option for redevelopment is ultimately a matter for local determination. That said, and AAP that aims to deliver the sustainable redevelopment of previously development land, improved connectivity and greater access to public and non-motorised forms of transport, and promotes a thriving and active town centre that pays appropriate regard to its existing built heritage is supported.
Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options Consultation
Thank you for consulting the Assembly on the above matter.
The Regional Planning Panel Standing Committee considered a report on this consultation document at its meeting on 6th November 2009 before endorsing the recommendation that 'the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan does not give rise to any general conformity issues at this stage.'
Our detailed comments are set out in Appendix A of the attached report which, together with this letter, constitutes our formal response at this consultation stage. Please note that in Appendix A, where regional and local policy have been cross-referenced and no comment has been made, the local policy is considered to conform to the East of England Plan.
If you have any queries concerning the content of the report or any other issue relating to conformity with the East of England Plan, please contact either myself of James Cutting, Team Leader: Strategy & Implementation on tel (01284) 729434 or email ''.
To give a response to the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options consultation document.
The Standing Committee is asked to consider the recommendation that the comments in this report constitute the Assembly's formal response to the consultation document.
1. Introduction
1.1 Rochford District Council has published for consultation the Issues and Options stage of the Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP). The purpose of this Development Plan Document is to set out how Rochford can accommodate change and new growth while still recognising its Conservation Area status.
1.2 The focus for the AAP is the defined town centre boundary. A copy of the 'Broad Land Use Plan' is included at Appendix B.
1.3 The closing date for comments is Monday 30th November 2009. Further details can be found on the Council's website:
2. Background
2.1 Rochford District covers an area of 168 km2 (65 miles2) and is situated on a peninsula between the River Thames and Crouch. Bounded to the east by the North Sea, it shares marine boundaries with Maldon and Chelmsford, and land boundaries with Basildon, Castle Point and Southend. The A127 and A130 provide strategic road links to the M25 and beyond, and there are direct rail services to London. London Southend Airport is located along the southern boundary with Southend Borough.
2.2 Rochford is the second largest town in the district, and is classified by the Council as a local centre. The 2001 census puts the population at about 7,600. The town centre follows fairly traditional street patterns and has a market square at its heart. Its unique character and layout are regarded as a local asset. Despite a strong local convenience sector Rochford suffers from a significant leakage of spending elsewhere, particularly towards nearby Southend.
2.3 Rochford Railway Station lies to the west of Market Square, and there is a primary school and hospital to the north. To the south-west, Rochford Golf Course provides a green buffer between the town and the nearby Southend Airport. Road and rail links connect Rochford to its close neighbours - Hockley and Southend.
3. Regional and Local Policy
3.1 Regional planning guidance for Rochford is contained within the adopted East of England Plan (May 2008) (the 'Plan') and the remaining saved policies of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Structure Plan. The 'Plan' requires the Rochford district to contribute a minimum of 4,600 new homes and accommodate a share of the Essex Thames Gateways target of 55,000 new jobs between 2001 and 2021.
3.2 Rochford District Council recently went out to consultation on their Submission Core Strategy1. This sets out the development strategy for the District to 2025 and, through Chapter 12 and policy RTC5, the framework against which this AAP is being brought forward. In assessing this AAP, all relevant policies in the East of England Plan have been considered.
4.1 Rochford has a number of limited opportunities for development within its existing built up area. Following initial public consultation, this AAP puts forward eleven sites and explores opportunities for improvements to the street scene (in keeping with the towns conservation area); better traffic circulation, including access to and from key gateways such as the railway station, and opportunities for making better use of existing car parking areas. The AAP also recognises that taking any of these options further is dependent on any number of viability factors, but believes that those sites put forward offer commercially sound development opportunities.
4.2 At this Issues & Options stage, the Rochford Town Centre AAP does not give rise to any general conformity issues. The Assembly also recognises that the Preferred Option for redevelopment is ultimately a matter for local determination. That said, an AAP that aims to deliver the sustainable redevelopment of previously developed land, improved connectivity and greater access to public and non-motorised forms of transport, and promotes a thriving and active town centre that pays appropriate regard to its existing built heritage is supported.
5. Recommendations
5.1 The Standing Committee is asked to consider the recommendation that the comments in this report and Appendix A constitute the Assembly's formal response to this Issues and Options consultation document.
Appendix A
Part two - General Points
Question - Does the area covered lie within the Eastern Region?
Answer - Yes
Question - Are all references to the East of England Plan correct?
Answer - No
Comments - All references to the East of England Plan need to be checked. In particular, para' 3 (page 63) contains two important factual errors:
The region's housing target is 508,000 (not 421,500 as stated);
The Essex Thames Gateway Sub-region has been set an indicative growth target of 55,000 net new jobs (not dwellings), of which 3000 are expected to come forward in Rochford.
The Council is also reminded that the suffix 'RSS14' should no longer be used when referring to the East of England Plan.
Question - Does the area covered include a Key Centre for Development and Change?
Answer - No
Question - Are there any key issues covered by the document that are of strategic or regional importance?
Answer - No
Part three - Consistency/conformity checklist
Question - Is there a clear drive for sustainable development?
EofE plan policy - SS1
AAP ref's - Vision & Objectives
Comments - The broad principles of sustainable development are evident throughout the AAP.
Question - Does policy seek to maximise the use of previously developed land?
EofE plan policy - SS2
AAP ref's - All
Comments - Redevelopment of brownfield site opportunities is consistent with regional policy.
Question - Is there a clear development pattern for urban areas? Is the role of the town centre clear?
EofE plan policy - SS4 SS6
AAP ref's - All
Question - Are regional employment targets met?
EofE plan policy - E1
Comments - This is addressed in the Rochford Core Strategy.
Question - Does the AAP contribute positively towards regional housing targets? Has affordable housing provision in the town centre considered?
EofE plan policy - H1 H2
Comments - The Submission Core Strategy allocates new housing to West Rochford. From this, it is assumed that the area in question lies beyond the AAP boundary. However, the AAP should consider how new housing growth might impact on issues such as transport / public access into the town, and on how it can help support the towns retail sector.
Opportunities for residential development above local shops are considered. These could provide affordable tenure opportunities.
Question - Are culture/leisure issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - C1, C2
AAP ref's - Vision & Objectives
Question - Does the AAP seek to change and influence travel behaviour? Are sustainable urban/rural/local transport issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - T2, T9, TT13 T4, T7, T8
AAP ref's - 2.22-2.26, 2.30-2.41, Objectives & Options, 3.25-3.36
Comments - Existing patterns of traffic movement are identified as a problem.
Any changes that will deliver improvements in pedestrian access, public transport and public transport facilities would be supported. Safe, covered storage facilities at, for example the railway station, may encourage greater use of bicycles.
Question - Are there any policies on parking management?
EofE plan policy - T14
AAP ref's - 2.27-2.29, 3.26-3.27, Site Options
Comments - Rochford has a number of large, ground level, car parks.
Parking controls can be an effective means of influencing travel behaviour. They may also impact on local trade. Any redevelopment of the towns parking areas to meet other needs would be supported, but should only be done as part of a package of measures which deliver improvements in public transport services and greater access via footpaths and cycleways. The AAP will also need to carefully consider what impact parking restrictions may have on the town's current and future retail trade.
Question - Is there a policy relating to green infrastructure?
EofE plan policy - ENV1
AAP ref's - Options, 3.24
Comments - Opportunities that provide green links between the town centre and the more open areas to the south should not be overlooked.
Question - Is conservation/enhancement of the historic environment addressed?
EofE plan policy - ENV6
AAP ref's - 2.15-2.18, Table 3, 3.23
Comments - The need to consider Rochford's Conservation Area status is evident throughout the AAP.
Question - Does this AAP seek to deliver high quality in the built environment?
EofE plan policy - ENV7
AAP ref's - Options
Question - Has the need to reduce carbon emissions been addressed? Are water efficiency measures, water management and flood risk issues addressed? Are waste management issues addressed?
EofE plan policy - ENG1 WAT1-WAT4 WM1-WM8
Comments - Beyond those measures set out in the Core Strategy, the Council should consider whether additional standards for resource efficiency, renewable energy and waste management need to be included in the Area Action Plan.
Question - Is there a policy on implementation and monitoring?
EofE plan policy - IMP1 and IMP2
AAP ref's - 3.37
Part four - Overall Assessment
Question - Is this Development Plan Document in general conformity with the East of England Plan? (If not, what is needed to rectify this?)
Answer - Yes
Comments - At this Issues & Options stage, the Rochford Town Centre AAP does not give rise to any general conformity issues. The Assembly also recognise that the Preferred Option for redevelopment is ultimately a matter for local determination. That said, and AAP that aims to deliver the sustainable redevelopment of previously development land, improved connectivity and greater access to public and non-motorised forms of transport, and promotes a thriving and active town centre that pays appropriate regard to its existing built heritage is supported.