Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options

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Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 16983

Received: 30/11/2009

Respondent: Sport England (East Region)

Representation Summary:


The AAP outlines that town centres play a key role in providing for local people's everyday needs in terms of shopping, healthcare and leisure and that an AAP can provide a framework to ensure that these needs are met.

The AAP's reference to meeting people's everyday needs in terms of leisure does not specify precisely what the opportunities for community facilities such as sport and recreation might be. Whilst it is appreciated that the AAP is at an early stage of evolution, future versions should be more specific as to what aspects of community facility provision should be provided or enhanced in the area.

Full text:


Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document. Sport England is the Government agency responsible for delivering the Government's sporting objectives. Maximising the investment into sport and recreation through the land use planning system is one of our national and regional priorities. You will also be aware that Sport England is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting playing fields.

In response to the consultation, I would like to make comments on the following parts of the document:

What does this Area Action Plan cover?


The AAP outlines that town centres play a key role in providing for local people's everyday needs in terms of shopping, healthcare and leisure and that an AAP can provide a framework to ensure that these needs are met.

The AAP's reference to meeting people's everyday needs in terms of leisure does not specify precisely what the opportunities for community facilities such as sport and recreation might be. Whilst it is appreciated that the AAP is at an early stage of evolution, future versions should be more specific as to what aspects of community facility provision should be provided or enhanced in the area.

3 The Opportunities

Whilst the AAP area is tightly drawn, there should be reference to the potential for improving access to sport and recreation opportunities in and around the town centre such as health and fitness club provision. This could be included by providing an additional figure within the AAP or incorporating access points and locations to sport and recreation within either, Figure 1, Broad Land Use Plan or Figure 5, Pedestrian and Cycle Network. In turn, this should reflect the vision for Rochford as a town centre 'creating a vibrant and successful town centre that offers high quality, modern community facilities, a shopping environment that caters for the needs of all in society and maximises its potential as a centre for all'.

I hope these comments are helpful. Please contact me if you have any queries about this response or would like advice on how Sport England can assist the Council to develop its LDF and component documents in relation to sport and recreation.


Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 16984

Received: 30/11/2009

Respondent: Sport England (East Region)

Representation Summary:

3 The Opportunities

Whilst the AAP area is tightly drawn, there should be reference to the potential for improving access to sport and recreation opportunities in and around the town centre such as health and fitness club provision. This could be included by providing an additional figure within the AAP or incorporating access points and locations to sport and recreation within either, Figure 1, Broad Land Use Plan or Figure 5, Pedestrian and Cycle Network. In turn, this should reflect the vision for Rochford as a town centre 'creating a vibrant and successful town centre that offers high quality, modern community facilities, a shopping environment that caters for the needs of all in society and maximises its potential as a centre for all'.

Full text:


Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document. Sport England is the Government agency responsible for delivering the Government's sporting objectives. Maximising the investment into sport and recreation through the land use planning system is one of our national and regional priorities. You will also be aware that Sport England is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting playing fields.

In response to the consultation, I would like to make comments on the following parts of the document:

What does this Area Action Plan cover?


The AAP outlines that town centres play a key role in providing for local people's everyday needs in terms of shopping, healthcare and leisure and that an AAP can provide a framework to ensure that these needs are met.

The AAP's reference to meeting people's everyday needs in terms of leisure does not specify precisely what the opportunities for community facilities such as sport and recreation might be. Whilst it is appreciated that the AAP is at an early stage of evolution, future versions should be more specific as to what aspects of community facility provision should be provided or enhanced in the area.

3 The Opportunities

Whilst the AAP area is tightly drawn, there should be reference to the potential for improving access to sport and recreation opportunities in and around the town centre such as health and fitness club provision. This could be included by providing an additional figure within the AAP or incorporating access points and locations to sport and recreation within either, Figure 1, Broad Land Use Plan or Figure 5, Pedestrian and Cycle Network. In turn, this should reflect the vision for Rochford as a town centre 'creating a vibrant and successful town centre that offers high quality, modern community facilities, a shopping environment that caters for the needs of all in society and maximises its potential as a centre for all'.

I hope these comments are helpful. Please contact me if you have any queries about this response or would like advice on how Sport England can assist the Council to develop its LDF and component documents in relation to sport and recreation.


Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options


Representation ID: 16985

Received: 30/11/2009

Respondent: Sport England (East Region)

Representation Summary:

3 The Opportunities

Whilst the AAP area is tightly drawn, there should be reference to the potential for improving access to sport and recreation opportunities in and around the town centre such as health and fitness club provision. This could be included by providing an additional figure within the AAP or incorporating access points and locations to sport and recreation within either, Figure 1, Broad Land Use Plan or Figure 5, Pedestrian and Cycle Network. In turn, this should reflect the vision for Rochford as a town centre 'creating a vibrant and successful town centre that offers high quality, modern community facilities, a shopping environment that caters for the needs of all in society and maximises its potential as a centre for all'.

Full text:


Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document. Sport England is the Government agency responsible for delivering the Government's sporting objectives. Maximising the investment into sport and recreation through the land use planning system is one of our national and regional priorities. You will also be aware that Sport England is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting playing fields.

In response to the consultation, I would like to make comments on the following parts of the document:

What does this Area Action Plan cover?


The AAP outlines that town centres play a key role in providing for local people's everyday needs in terms of shopping, healthcare and leisure and that an AAP can provide a framework to ensure that these needs are met.

The AAP's reference to meeting people's everyday needs in terms of leisure does not specify precisely what the opportunities for community facilities such as sport and recreation might be. Whilst it is appreciated that the AAP is at an early stage of evolution, future versions should be more specific as to what aspects of community facility provision should be provided or enhanced in the area.

3 The Opportunities

Whilst the AAP area is tightly drawn, there should be reference to the potential for improving access to sport and recreation opportunities in and around the town centre such as health and fitness club provision. This could be included by providing an additional figure within the AAP or incorporating access points and locations to sport and recreation within either, Figure 1, Broad Land Use Plan or Figure 5, Pedestrian and Cycle Network. In turn, this should reflect the vision for Rochford as a town centre 'creating a vibrant and successful town centre that offers high quality, modern community facilities, a shopping environment that caters for the needs of all in society and maximises its potential as a centre for all'.

I hope these comments are helpful. Please contact me if you have any queries about this response or would like advice on how Sport England can assist the Council to develop its LDF and component documents in relation to sport and recreation.

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