Core Strategy Submission Document

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Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H1 - The efficient use of land for housing

Representation ID: 16190

Received: 02/11/2009

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Representation Summary:

The approach of prioritising the re-use of previously developed land is sound and supported. The redevelopment of vacant industrial land at Stambridge Mills and at the former Star Lane Brickworks site (part of Star Lane Industrial Estate) will reduce the need to release Green Belt land, and will allow for the removal of contamination, the re-use of existing on-site materials, and the environmental and ecological enhancement of the sites and their surroundings. In respect of Stambridge Mills, the need to satisfy the PPS25 exceptions test follows the successful completion of the sequential test.

Full text:

The approach of prioritising the re-use of previously developed land is sound and supported. The redevelopment of vacant industrial land at Stambridge Mills and at the former Star Lane Brickworks site (part of Star Lane Industrial Estate) will reduce the need to release Green Belt land, and will allow for the removal of contamination, the re-use of existing on-site materials, and the environmental and ecological enhancement of the sites and their surroundings. In respect of Stambridge Mills, the need to satisfy the PPS25 exceptions test follows the successful completion of the sequential test.


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H2 - Extensions to residential envelopes and phasing

Representation ID: 16196

Received: 02/11/2009

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The proposed releases of land for development at Hullbridge and Canewdon are considered to be unsustainable and therefore unsound. New housing should be directed to those areas with a close and more sustainable relationship with Southend including the second tier settlement of Great Wakering which is wrongly omitted as a location for expansion prior to 2021. Development to the south-west of Great Wakering would successfully relate to the Star Lane Industrial Estate which is earmarked under Policy H1 for residential use.

Full text:

The proposed releases of land for development at Hullbridge and Canewdon are considered to be unsustainable and therefore unsound. New housing should be directed to those areas with a close and more sustainable relationship with Southend including the second tier settlement of Great Wakering which is wrongly omitted as a location for expansion prior to 2021. Development to the south-west of Great Wakering would successfully relate to the Star Lane Industrial Estate which is earmarked under Policy H1 for residential use.


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H3 - Extension to residential envelopes post-2021

Representation ID: 16198

Received: 02/11/2009

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Development at West Great Wakering would be visually intrusive, and would not relate satisfactorily to the existing Green Belt boundary and other features. This would be contrary to the advice in PPG 2. Any extension of the residential envelope of Great Wakering should be to the south-west of the settlement. This would approach, which would limit the sprawl of the settlement, would relate successfully to the previously developed land at Star Lane, and would be visually contained by existing development boundaries to the west, north and east.

Full text:

Development at West Great Wakering would be visually intrusive, and would not relate satisfactorily to the existing Green Belt boundary and other features. This would be contrary to the advice in PPG 2. Any extension of the residential envelope of Great Wakering should be to the south-west of the settlement. This would approach, which would limit the sprawl of the settlement, would relate successfully to the previously developed land at Star Lane, and would be visually contained by existing development boundaries to the west, north and east.


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H6 - Lifetime Homes

Representation ID: 16210

Received: 02/11/2009

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The requirement for all development to meet Lifetime Homes (LH) Standards is unreasonable and unsound, in particular when applied to large housing schemes. In such developments, it is reasonable to provide a proportion of units to LH standards but not all occupiers will require such flexibility.

Full text:

The requirement for all development to meet Lifetime Homes (LH) Standards is unreasonable and unsound, in particular when applied to large housing schemes. In such developments, it is reasonable to provide a proportion of units to LH standards but not all occupiers will require such flexibility.


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land

Representation ID: 16213

Received: 02/11/2009

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Representation Summary:

The re-allocation of the sites at Stambridge Mills and Star Lane Industrial Estate is supported. Both Stambridge Mills and the former brickworks site at Star Lane (part of the Star Lane Industrial Estate site) have long been vacant. The redevelopment of these sites will minimise the need to release Green Belt land, and will allow for the removal of contamination, the re-use of existing on-site materials, and the environmental and ecological enhancement of the land and surrounding areas.

Full text:

The re-allocation of the sites at Stambridge Mills and Star Lane Industrial Estate is supported. Both Stambridge Mills and the former brickworks site at Star Lane (part of the Star Lane Industrial Estate site) have long been vacant. The redevelopment of these sites will minimise the need to release Green Belt land, and will allow for the removal of contamination, the re-use of existing on-site materials, and the environmental and ecological enhancement of the land and surrounding areas.

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