Core Strategy Submission Document

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Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H1 - The efficient use of land for housing

Representation ID: 15885

Received: 30/10/2009

Respondent: Mr Barrie Stone

Agent: Whirledge & Nott

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We are supportive of the majority of the Policy H1 and believe it to be sound as it has acknowledged the need to develop in the Green Belt adjacent to urban boundaries. However it is questionable on the evidence whether the site at Stambridge Mills is sustainable or deliverable. The inclusion of this site as an identified area for development is unsound as there is no evidence to assert it will be deliverable because of flood risk. The non delivery of this site will place an increased demand for housing allocation which should be recognised in H2

Full text:

We are supportive of the majority of the Policy H1 and believe it to be sound as it has acknowledged the need to develop in the Green Belt adjacent to urban boundaries. However it is questionable on the evidence whether the site at Stambridge Mills is sustainable or deliverable. The inclusion of this site as an identified area for development is unsound as there is no evidence to assert it will be deliverable because of flood risk. The non delivery of this site will place an increased demand for housing allocation which should be recognised in H2


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy H2 - Extensions to residential envelopes and phasing

Representation ID: 15886

Received: 30/10/2009

Respondent: Mr Barrie Stone

Agent: Whirledge & Nott

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We object to this policy as it fails to recognise the ability to accomodate signficant development South of Rayleigh at Eastwood Nurseries. Land is available in this location which can support housing and the necessary infrastructure including a school. This area is closer to existing urban centres than other sites detailed and has strong links with nieghbouring districts where a large proportion of the population commute to for work. Cycle links are already established with employment areas. Green links can be developed with this site and neighbouring Castle Point and Cherry Orchard Jubilee Park open spaces.

Full text:

We object to this policy as it fails to recognise the ability to accomodate signficant development South of Rayleigh at Eastwood Nurseries. Land is available in this location which can support housing and the necessary infrastructure including a school. This area is closer to existing urban centres than other sites detailed and has strong links with nieghbouring districts where a large proportion of the population commute to for work. Cycle links are already established with employment areas. Green links can be developed with this site and neighbouring Castle Point and Cherry Orchard Jubilee Park open spaces.

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