Core Strategy Submission Document
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Core Strategy Submission Document
Policy CLT4 - Healthcare
Representation ID: 16831
Received: 04/11/2009
Respondent: Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
Agent: Indigo Planning
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
In relation to the specific policies of the document, we object to Policy CLT4, and the requirement for new non-residential development of over 1,000 square meters to be accompanied by a Health Impact Assessment. This policy is too restrictive on certain developments, such as retail, which will clearly not have an adverse impact on local health facilities. The Council should be encouraging development in the District and not imposing additional requirements on developer's who are aiming to deliver important local facilities.
We write on behalf of our client, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, in respect of the recently published Rochford Core Strategy Submission consultation document. Sainsbury's does not currently have any stores in Rochford but are interested in pursuing future opportunities to develop their retail offer in the area. As such, they are keen to be involved in the Local Development Framework process.
Our representations to earlier consultation stages of the Core Strategy supported the Council's housing strategy. Whilst we re-iterate this support, we consider that the Core Strategy does not sufficiently provide for future retail requirements across the District to support this housing strategy. The Council should adopt a flexible approach to identifying floorspace capacity, particularly in light of the findings of the Retail Study that Rochford suffers from significant expenditure leakage.
This flexible approach to floorspace capacity would allow for improved competition and an improvement to the quality of goods and services provision in the District. It is important for the Council to acknowledge the important contribution retail development makes in achieving and maintaining vital and viable communities and, thus, the Core Strategy and other Local Development Framework documents should allow for appropriate additions to the retail offer in the District.
In relation to the specific policies of the document, we object to Policy CLT4, and the requirement for new non-residential development of over 1,000 square meters to be accompanied by a Health Impact Assessment. This policy is too restrictive on certain developments, such as retail, which will clearly not have an adverse impact on local health facilities. The Council should be encouraging development in the District and not imposing additional requirements on developer's who are aiming to deliver important local facilities.
Sainsbury's wish to continue to work with the Council to improve Rochford's convenience retail offer and we always welcome the opportunity of meeting with officers to discuss Sainsbury's aspirations in the District.