Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 4009
Received: 12/12/2008
Respondent: Swan Housing Association
I write in response to the release of the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options document (revised 2008), with specific regard to the land situated to the south west of Hullbridge.
We feel that this site represents an excellent opportunity to deliver a sustainable community which is in line with the Council's vision of future development in the district. Swan Housing Association is working in partnership with the Hanover Land Trust, the owners of the site, with the aim of delivering an exemplar sustainable residential development.
Swan have a strong record in the delivery of social housing in Essex and have a firm commitment to sustainable mixed tenure development. As such we have appointed our consultant team leader, Bree Day Partnership, who have the necessary background and experience to help them achieve this objective. The vision for the site will be developed further through a process of appraisals, consultation and collaboration with all local stakeholders and the Council's officers.
As with all developments, Swan will work in partnership with the local authority to ensure that the housing provided addresses the housing need in the borough. At the meeting between the Hanover Land Trust, Swan Housing Association, Bree Day Partnership and the Local Authority on 20th March 2008, it was commented that more family accommodation as opposed to flats were desired in the area and this site offers an opportunity to provide this. The housing proposed would have a range of sizes and tenures and we are happy to work with the Council to develop these proposals further.
The provision of any family accommodation needs to ensure there is adequate amenity space, which the site under discussion can provide and is demonstrated in one of the schematic layouts contained in our team's initial representation to the Council presented in April 2008 (a copy of which is enclosed).
The site is located on the fringe of an existing settlement and as such would be able to avail of existing infrastructure with no or minimal upgrade costs when compared to sites that are more isolated, or where a new settlement is being created. A transport strategy would be developed to include cycling, walking and private car use. As discussed with the Council officers in March, Swan would also consider a car club on the development in order to reduce the reliance on private car use. As the site is located to the South West of Hullbridge, it has short commuter links with Rayleigh, without having to pass through Hullbridge town centre. A bus service is available to Rayleigh which would encourage the use of public transport.
This site is bounded at the north by Lower Road and the west by Hullbridge Road, which forms a natural west settlement boundary to Hullbridge. The Lower Road site boundary is planted with mature trees and shrubs, all boundaries to the site are well defined, being planted which could be retained as part of the existing eco-system. The site is outside the Coastal Protection Belt and is identified as an 'Extension to Residential Envelope' in both pre 2021 and post 2021 timeframes and as such we feel that its development is in line with the Core Strategy document. In terms of responding to the potential of flooding and reducing the surface run off of the proposed development, Swan would look to upgrade the existing high capacity drainage system and incorporate a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) on the site as well as addressing any other pertinent environmental issues through design development.
In terms of environmental impact, the project team would seek to construct high quality accommodation that will satisfy higher environmental criteria than would normally be undertaken by private developers and our intention would be to achieve at least Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4. Swan would also look to achieve the lifetime homes standard across all of the units on the site to allow the housing provided to be flexible in meeting the changing needs of residents.
In conclusion we feel that this site represents a unique opportunity to deliver a development and meet the affordable housing need in the District. The site benefits from a committed land owner and an experienced and knowledgeable project team with a track record of delivery. We would welcome working in partnership with the Council to realise our vision for the site.
e: Response to Rochford District Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options Document
I write in response to the release of the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options document (revised 2008), with specific regard to the land situated to the south west of Hullbridge.
We feel that this site represents an excellent opportunity to deliver a sustainable community which is in line with the Council's vision of future development in the district. Swan Housing Association is working in partnership with the Hanover Land Trust, the owners of the site, with the aim of delivering an exemplar sustainable residential development.
Swan have a strong record in the delivery of social housing in Essex and have a firm commitment to sustainable mixed tenure development. As such we have appointed our consultant team leader, Bree Day Partnership, who have the necessary background and experience to help them achieve this objective. The vision for the site will be developed further through a process of appraisals, consultation and collaboration with all local stakeholders and the Council's officers.
As with all developments, Swan will work in partnership with the local authority to ensure that the housing provided addresses the housing need in the borough. At the meeting between the Hanover Land Trust, Swan Housing Association, Bree Day Partnership and the Local Authority on 20th March 2008, it was commented that more family accommodation as opposed to flats were desired in the area and this site offers an opportunity to provide this. The housing proposed would have a range of sizes and tenures and we are happy to work with the Council to develop these proposals further.
The provision of any family accommodation needs to ensure there is adequate amenity space, which the site under discussion can provide and is demonstrated in one of the schematic layouts contained in our team's initial representation to the Council presented in April 2008 (a copy of which is enclosed).
The site is located on the fringe of an existing settlement and as such would be able to avail of existing infrastructure with no or minimal upgrade costs when compared to sites that are more isolated, or where a new settlement is being created. A transport strategy would be developed to include cycling, walking and private car use. As discussed with the Council officers in March, Swan would also consider a car club on the development in order to reduce the reliance on private car use. As the site is located to the South West of Hullbridge, it has short commuter links with Rayleigh, without having to pass through Hullbridge town centre. A bus service is available to Rayleigh which would encourage the use of public transport.
This site is bounded at the north by Lower Road and the west by Hullbridge Road, which forms a natural west settlement boundary to Hullbridge. The Lower Road site boundary is planted with mature trees and shrubs, all boundaries to the site are well defined, being planted which could be retained as part of the existing eco-system. The site is outside the Coastal Protection Belt and is identified as an 'Extension to Residential Envelope' in both pre 2021 and post 2021 timeframes and as such we feel that its development is in line with the Core Strategy document. In terms of responding to the potential of flooding and reducing the surface run off of the proposed development, Swan would look to upgrade the existing high capacity drainage system and incorporate a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) on the site as well as addressing any other pertinent environmental issues through design development.
In terms of environmental impact, the project team would seek to construct high quality accommodation that will satisfy higher environmental criteria than would normally be undertaken by private developers and our intention would be to achieve at least Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4. Swan would also look to achieve the lifetime homes standard across all of the units on the site to allow the housing provided to be flexible in meeting the changing needs of residents.
In conclusion we feel that this site represents a unique opportunity to deliver a development and meet the affordable housing need in the District. The site benefits from a committed land owner and an experienced and knowledgeable project team with a track record of delivery. We would welcome working in partnership with the Council to realise our vision for the site.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.