Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3553

Received: 12/12/2008

Respondent: Rayleigh boys Youth Football club

Representation Summary:

As a sports club representing 700 Parents and Guardians and 400 children from the ages of 5 - 16 Rayleigh Boys Youth Football Club strongly object to the ill concieved plans to Build further homes in an already too densely populated area of Rayleigh.

We request that before any more houses are built in Rayleigh that already overcrowded roads and public amenities are improved to take the population that is already here,and that any green belt land is not sold for more housing but used for amenities for the people of Rayleigh.

Full text:

As a sports club representing 700 Parents and Guardians and 400 children from the ages of 5 - 16 Rayleigh Boys Youth Football Club strongly object to the ill concieved plans to Build further homes in an already too densely populated area of Rayleigh.
The plans for expansion will only see the further demise of community sports clubs whilst increasing the youth population with nothing for them to do.
Currently we as a club are nomadic within the town we represent playing and training in 7 diffrent venues in Rayleigh which does nothing to further a club that should be a community.
The problems have been caused by the short sighted policies of Rochford District Council in showing no committment to young persons in sport and has seen the demise or the movement to other districts of many sports clubs.
We request that before any more houses are built in Rayleigh that already overcrowded roads and public amenities are improved to take the population that is already here,and that any green belt land is not sold for more housing but used for amenities for the people of Rayleigh.

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