Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Affordable Housing

Representation ID: 3301

Received: 19/11/2008

Respondent: Shelter

Representation Summary:

Shelter notes that in the preamble to the preferred policy there is a recognition that there is "an acute need for affordable housing within Rochford District, equating to 131 net additional affordable dwellings per year." Shelter also notes from your Council's Annual Monitoring Report that since 2001 affordable housing has accounted for only 9% of new housing in the District.

Against this background, Shelter believes that the Council needs to set robust targets. Shelter also does not consider that previous thresholds have hindered the delivery of affordable housing.

Full text:

I am writing with Shelter's comments on the section in your council's Core Strategy Preferred Options relating to Affordable Housing, and in particular to Preferred Options H4 and H5.

Shelter notes that in the preamble to the preferred policy there is a recognition that there is "an acute need for affordable housing within Rochford District, equating to 131 net additional affordable dwellings per year." Shelter also notes from your Council's Annual Monitoring Report that since 2001 affordable housing has accounted for only 9% of new housing in the District.

Against this background, Shelter believes that the Council needs to set robust targets. Shelter also does not consider that previous thresholds have hindered the delivery of affordable housing.

Turning to Preferred Options H4 and H5, Shelter has the following comments:

1. The affordable housing requirement for developments of 15 or more units should be increased to 40%, this figure being more consistent with other parts of the region where the need is particularly great.

2. Affordable housing requirements should be set for developments of less than 15 dwellings; specifically for developments of 3 or more dwellings. In order to recognise the comments in the Alternative Options the precentage of affordable housing for smaller developments could be lower at either 30% or 35%.

3. The Government's target is that approximately 65% of affordable housing should be social rented. There is no provision for this in H4, and Shelter considers that this omission should be rectified by the inclusion of a requirement that at least 65% of all affordable housing units must be social rented.

4. Shelter welcomes the proposal in both H4 and H5 that developments should provide a mix of both market and affordable housing. However, with regard to H5 Shelter considers that a proportion of affordable housing provision within development should be required in the form of four-bedroom dwellings as well as three-bedroom dwellings.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H4 Affordable Housing - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3302

Received: 19/11/2008

Respondent: Shelter

Representation Summary:

1. The affordable housing requirement for developments of 15 or more units should be increased to 40%, this figure being more consistent with other parts of the region where the need is particularly great.

2. Affordable housing requirements should be set for developments of less than 15 dwellings; specifically for developments of 3 or more dwellings. In order to recognise the comments in the Alternative Options the precentage of affordable housing for smaller developments could be lower at either 30% or 35%.

3. The Government's target is that approximately 65% of affordable housing should be social rented. There is no provision for this in H4, and Shelter considers that this omission should be rectified by the inclusion of a requirement that at least 65% of all affordable housing units must be social rented.

Full text:

I am writing with Shelter's comments on the section in your council's Core Strategy Preferred Options relating to Affordable Housing, and in particular to Preferred Options H4 and H5.

Shelter notes that in the preamble to the preferred policy there is a recognition that there is "an acute need for affordable housing within Rochford District, equating to 131 net additional affordable dwellings per year." Shelter also notes from your Council's Annual Monitoring Report that since 2001 affordable housing has accounted for only 9% of new housing in the District.

Against this background, Shelter believes that the Council needs to set robust targets. Shelter also does not consider that previous thresholds have hindered the delivery of affordable housing.

Turning to Preferred Options H4 and H5, Shelter has the following comments:

1. The affordable housing requirement for developments of 15 or more units should be increased to 40%, this figure being more consistent with other parts of the region where the need is particularly great.

2. Affordable housing requirements should be set for developments of less than 15 dwellings; specifically for developments of 3 or more dwellings. In order to recognise the comments in the Alternative Options the precentage of affordable housing for smaller developments could be lower at either 30% or 35%.

3. The Government's target is that approximately 65% of affordable housing should be social rented. There is no provision for this in H4, and Shelter considers that this omission should be rectified by the inclusion of a requirement that at least 65% of all affordable housing units must be social rented.

4. Shelter welcomes the proposal in both H4 and H5 that developments should provide a mix of both market and affordable housing. However, with regard to H5 Shelter considers that a proportion of affordable housing provision within development should be required in the form of four-bedroom dwellings as well as three-bedroom dwellings.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H5 Dwelling Types - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3303

Received: 19/11/2008

Respondent: Shelter

Representation Summary:

4. Shelter welcomes the proposal in both H4 and H5 that developments should provide a mix of both market and affordable housing. However, with regard to H5 Shelter considers that a proportion of affordable housing provision within development should be required in the form of four-bedroom dwellings as well as three-bedroom dwellings.

Full text:

I am writing with Shelter's comments on the section in your council's Core Strategy Preferred Options relating to Affordable Housing, and in particular to Preferred Options H4 and H5.

Shelter notes that in the preamble to the preferred policy there is a recognition that there is "an acute need for affordable housing within Rochford District, equating to 131 net additional affordable dwellings per year." Shelter also notes from your Council's Annual Monitoring Report that since 2001 affordable housing has accounted for only 9% of new housing in the District.

Against this background, Shelter believes that the Council needs to set robust targets. Shelter also does not consider that previous thresholds have hindered the delivery of affordable housing.

Turning to Preferred Options H4 and H5, Shelter has the following comments:

1. The affordable housing requirement for developments of 15 or more units should be increased to 40%, this figure being more consistent with other parts of the region where the need is particularly great.

2. Affordable housing requirements should be set for developments of less than 15 dwellings; specifically for developments of 3 or more dwellings. In order to recognise the comments in the Alternative Options the precentage of affordable housing for smaller developments could be lower at either 30% or 35%.

3. The Government's target is that approximately 65% of affordable housing should be social rented. There is no provision for this in H4, and Shelter considers that this omission should be rectified by the inclusion of a requirement that at least 65% of all affordable housing units must be social rented.

4. Shelter welcomes the proposal in both H4 and H5 that developments should provide a mix of both market and affordable housing. However, with regard to H5 Shelter considers that a proportion of affordable housing provision within development should be required in the form of four-bedroom dwellings as well as three-bedroom dwellings.

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