Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
URV1 Upper Roach Valley - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3869
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Rankin Farms Ltd
Agent: Whirledge & Nott
It is acknowledged that the Upper Roach Valley offers an essential function as a green lung close to the urban development in south Essex. However we object to the proposal to expand Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park by compulsory purchase where necessary.
Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park extends to 100 acres which provides a variety of open space and natural habitat. Furthermore within a short distance there is Hockley Woods which offers a further 32 acres of unrestricted public access.
This area should be maintained as a farmed landscape with enhanced association with the park area by negotiation.
It is acknowledged that the Upper Roach Valley offers an essential function as a green lung close to the urban development in south Essex. However we object to the proposal to expand Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park by compulsory purchase where necessary.
Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park extends to 100 acres which provides a variety of open space and natural habitat. Furthermore within a short distance there is Hockley Woods which offers a further 32 acres of unrestricted public access.
The land of the Upper Roach valley is an important landscape asset. An essential part of that landscape is the farmed environment. To compulsory purchase land off farmers to put down to grass to provide more open space will significantly alter the nature of the countryside in this location.
The agricultural land in this location is of grade 2/3 land quality as set out on the MAFF Land Classification Map. This means it is good productive land. This should not be taken from existing farmers to provide an oversized park which does not truly reflect the nature of the open countryside. This is an essential business asset to the existing farmers who provide an important function to the rural economy in this district.
Existing public footpath links through the adjoining countryside between Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park and Hockley woods offer residents an opportunity to enjoy the traditional farmed landscape without having it sterilised into parkland.
Under the Implementation and Delivery section is it suggested that alternatives to Compulsory Purchase powers will be investigated and we would strongly support this as an alternative to compulsory purchase of land. We would welcome discussion without the threat of compulsory purchase as to how we can work together to enhance the Upper Roach Valley to the benefit of the environment and the residents of the District. It is important to recognise that this important landscape has been created by farmers who have been custodians of this land for many years. We would strongly resist the taking away from farmers the farming environment in this location by compulsory means.