Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4429

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options

We support the overall strategy of identifying general locations of growth through the Core Strategy while the precise location for new development will be identified as part of the Allocation Development Plan Document. As part of the strategy to identify general locations, deliverability must be a key consideration even at this preliminary stage. While we support the general locations of growth as identified in the H2 key diagram it should be acknowledged that growth specifically at south west Hullbridge for 450 dwellings between 2015-2021 and a further 90 dwellings post 2021 must include enough land to provide for the following:


Sufficient land will need to be identified within the general locations which can allow dwellings to be brought forward with suitable densities, access, screening, buffer planting to existing development as well as the provisions of public open space, strategic landscaping and formal play provision. This strategy will also need to take into consideration improvements to existing infrastructure as highlighted in appendix 1.

Affordable Housing

The initial Core Strategy Issues and Options (Regulation 25) draft identified the general feeling that more affordable housing is needed for local people. There was strong feeling that too much expensive housing has been built over recent years. It is considered that affordable housing provision within the growth locations is acceptable and a sound way to meet the objectives outlined in accompanying policies on affordable housing.

Specifically land to the west of Hullbridge has the ability to provide for affordable housing, delivering much needed affordable housing for local people.


It has been identified that existing employment land is poor quality and needs updating. There is an opportunity as part of general locations for housing growth that employment land on a settlement by settlement basis would form part of the growth strategy. It is considered that the allocation of employment land as part of future proposed housing growth in Hullbridge is acceptable.


While the Issues and Options draft in 2007 acknowledged that green belt, parks and countryside should be protected it was identified that there should be better access to these areas.

As part of the settlement growth strategy including Hullbridge enhancement of these areas including the River Crouch to the north of Hullbridge is considered beneficial.

Leisure, Tourism, Community Facilities and Open Space

As a direct result of growth opportunities it will be important to comprehensively plan for new community focus and development facilities within the housing preferred option locations. It is considered that land to the north west of Hullbridge has the ability to provide for education provision, strategic planting, country park and riverside walks as part of the comprehensive development at west of Hullbridge. The provision of additional open space will provide for the longer term needs of Hullbridge residents ensuring access to good quality play and recreation land including new football pitches.

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H3 General Locations Post-2021 - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4430

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options

We continue to suport the wider strategy of identifying areas for residential development.

The identification of land west of Hullbridge for an additional 90 dwellings post 2021 is supported subject to the Allocation Development Plan including land to the north west. It is considered that the identification of further housing growth in this location will continue to support the strategy of creating centre focus which as identified under H2 General Location and Phasing - Preferred Options can deliver significant benefits, such as:

A range of housing mix
Affordable housing
Employment enhancement
Protection fo the existing wider environment
Leisure, tourism and community facilities
New football pitches

Significantly, the additional housing growth will ensure the provision of a new primary school, formal play provision, strategic open space/planting, country park and riverside walk linking into the proposed development by encompassing the existing routes and water frontage.

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H Appendix 1

Representation ID: 4431

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

H Appendix 1

Following examination of the infrastructure list for land south west of Hullbridge, it is considered that growth potential in this location will need to encompass land to the north west of Hullbridge partly confined by a proposed coastal protection belt.

The provision of a new primary school, formal areas of play, country park and riverside walk should be considered to enhance the infrastructure already set out within H Appendix 1.

Existing list:
Public transport enhancements
Sustainable drainage systems
Public open space
Play space
Youth facilities
Community facilities

Additions to list
Nursery/primary school
Country park
Riverside walk
Formal areas of play
Employment provision
Football pitches

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4432

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Option

We acknowledge the role of the coastal protection belt but consider that the proposed location along part of the western boundary does not conform with the local topography and has therefore included land that could be considered for part development. This could encompass local housing and the location for an additional nursery/primary school.

Land to the north west of Hullbridge could be used for formal sports pitches and informal country park and riverside walk which could be contained within the coastal protection belt. The detailed boundary of the coastal protection belt needs to be examined in relation to the topography of the land. At the detailed stage, the positioning of the coastal protection belt need to take into consideration a potential school and limited housing growth to the north west as indicated on the attached plan.

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4433

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Option

We generally support the opportunity for introducing new employment land within the district, particularly given the changing financial climate.

It is proposed that targeted employment/business park growth is considered if urban extensions are to be provided. It is considered that this level of housing growth will deliver suitable infrastructure and community facilities and through the introduction of additional employment opportunities would create a more rounded development.

Given there are limited employment opportunities as locations such as Hullbridge in conjunction with the proposed scale of the proposed longer term housing growth, it is considered that employment land could be allocated as part of this round of the LDF review, ensuring the establishement of economic opportunities before the commencement of residential development in 2015 when the housing is to be released.

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4434

Received: 18/12/2008

Respondent: H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Option

The landowners support CLT5 given the requirement to provide new public open space to accompany additional residential development.

It is considered that where new strategic development is proposed, an assessment of existing open space formal, informal and formal is undertaken. This will assist the Council in determining the level of provision to accompany new residential development as well as redress any historic under provision.

In relation to proposals at land west of Hullbridge it is suggested that appropriate strategic planting be introduced to ensure conformity with green belt release, along with formal play space including new sport pitches and a new riverside walk linking the proposed new development to the existing settlement.

The introduction of a range of comprehensive community facilities along with the phased release of employment land and new housing will ensure the introduction of a new balanced community at Hullbridge.

Full text:

I have been instructed to forward representations of behalf of my clients Robinson and H R Philpot & Sons (Barleylands) Ltd.

Attached are responses to the Rochford LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2008 concerning:

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Options
H3 General Locations Post 2021 - Preferred Options
H Appendix 1
ENV2 Coastal Protection Belt - Preferred Options
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Options
CLT5 Open Space - Preferred Options
Hullbridge Expansion drawing B.9006/a

I look forward to confirmation of receipt for these representations from the Council which have not been submitted online.

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