Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 4244
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: EEDA
Thames Gateway South Essex is defined as an Engine of Growth within RES. As such, Thames Gateway South Essex and its urban sub region are expected to disproportionately drive growth, given the importance of agglomeration and the concentration of assets. The strategic ambitions are identified below and should be expressed in your core strategy.
• achieve levels of productivity and earnings of at least the regional average
• radically improve the skills base through employer-led learning opportunities and the creation of 21st century education facilities, including schools, new university campuses and industry-led skills academies
• London Gateway as a national logistics and ports enterprise hub - a centre for research and technical support as part of an associated cluster, including the Port of Tilbury
• reinvent and revitalise the city and town centres in Southend-on-Sea, Basildon, Thurrock and Castle Point with thriving residential, retail and leisure offers
• become renowned for high-quality public and green spaces and attractive waterfront development
• become a niche centre in the creative industries, including the Production Campus and Creative National Skills Academy in Thurrock and a focused offer in Southend-on-Sea built around the university, METAL and thriving arts and new media businesses
• realise and harness the potential of London Southend Airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, by improving operational capacity, surface access and supporting business development in engineering and maintenance.
By addressing these key elements of the RES, the Core Strategy will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.
EEDA welcomes priority 8 of your Council's Core Strategy and the identification of London Southend Airport as a key employment opportunity within the district. The Thames Gateway area is a national priority for regeneration and growth with the need to accommodate 3000 jobs within the district of Rochford. The Core Strategy further identifies that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth of the airport and EEDA supports this.
Dear Mr Scrutton
Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Core Strategy Preferred Options for Rochford District Council.
EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Core Strategy documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Core Strategy documents is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
• sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
• the new Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).
Planning Policy Statement 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development', 2005 reminds local authorities that in preparing local development plans they should seek to provide a positive planning framework for sustainable growth in support of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES advocates a region that is internationally competitive with a global reputation for innovation and business growth that harnesses and develops the talents and creativity of all and is at the forefront of a low carbon and resource efficient economy.
In addition, Planning Policy Statement 12 'Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning', 2008 recognises that spatial planning is a critical element in relation to economic growth and regeneration. The RES supports and complements the East of England Plan and EEDA supports the implementation of policies within that strategy.
It is within this context that EEDA makes its response.
Thames Gateway South Essex is defined as an Engine of Growth within RES. As such, Thames Gateway South Essex and its urban sub region are expected to disproportionately drive growth, given the importance of agglomeration and the concentration of assets. The strategic ambitions are identified below and should be expressed in your core strategy.
• achieve levels of productivity and earnings of at least the regional average
• radically improve the skills base through employer-led learning opportunities and the creation of 21st century education facilities, including schools, new university campuses and industry-led skills academies
• London Gateway as a national logistics and ports enterprise hub - a centre for research and technical support as part of an associated cluster, including the Port of Tilbury
• reinvent and revitalise the city and town centres in Southend-on-Sea, Basildon, Thurrock and Castle Point with thriving residential, retail and leisure offers
• become renowned for high-quality public and green spaces and attractive waterfront development
• become a niche centre in the creative industries, including the Production Campus and Creative National Skills Academy in Thurrock and a focused offer in Southend-on-Sea built around the university, METAL and thriving arts and new media businesses
• realise and harness the potential of London Southend Airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, by improving operational capacity, surface access and supporting business development in engineering and maintenance.
By addressing these key elements of the RES, the Core Strategy will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.
EEDA welcomes priority 8 of your Council's Core Strategy and the identification of London Southend Airport as a key employment opportunity within the district. The Thames Gateway area is a national priority for regeneration and growth with the need to accommodate 3000 jobs within the district of Rochford. The Core Strategy further identifies that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth of the airport and EEDA supports this.
In addition, the RES clearly identifies the potential of the airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, as identified above. EEDA welcomes the preferred policy ED1 for London Southend Airport and the Council's joint approach with Southend Borough Council to develop an Area Action Plan. This approach should ensure that the role of the airport and its potential as a focus and catalyst for economic growth can be fully harnessed and developed.
EEDA also supports the Council's approach to reviewing existing employment land allocations within the district through an employment land review and welcomes policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land in relation to this. Policy ED2 - Employment Growth seeks to provide a range of employment uses and whilst EEDA supports this policy it could be strengthen by including this aim within the policy wording.
EEDA, Go East and EERA have reviewed existing methodologies for Employment Land Reviews across the region have published a guidance manual on Employment Land Reviews. I would encourage your authority to consider this guidance note in finalising your Core Strategy
The Council's aspiration for an Eco-Enterprise Centre as a focal point for business in the form of an enterprise or incubation hub would increase the offer for start up businesses within the district. Its aim to be an exemplar in sustainable construction and act as a flagship building further enhances this offer both in terms of high specification office space and the benefits related to this in terms of lower energy costs. It should further encourage the inward investment of businesses whilst aiding in the creation of higher value jobs.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
ED1 London Southend Airport - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 4245
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: EEDA
In addition, the RES clearly identifies the potential of the airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, as identified above. EEDA welcomes the preferred policy ED1 for London Southend Airport and the Council's joint approach with Southend Borough Council to develop an Area Action Plan. This approach should ensure that the role of the airport and its potential as a focus and catalyst for economic growth can be fully harnessed and developed.
Dear Mr Scrutton
Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Core Strategy Preferred Options for Rochford District Council.
EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Core Strategy documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Core Strategy documents is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
• sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
• the new Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).
Planning Policy Statement 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development', 2005 reminds local authorities that in preparing local development plans they should seek to provide a positive planning framework for sustainable growth in support of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES advocates a region that is internationally competitive with a global reputation for innovation and business growth that harnesses and develops the talents and creativity of all and is at the forefront of a low carbon and resource efficient economy.
In addition, Planning Policy Statement 12 'Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning', 2008 recognises that spatial planning is a critical element in relation to economic growth and regeneration. The RES supports and complements the East of England Plan and EEDA supports the implementation of policies within that strategy.
It is within this context that EEDA makes its response.
Thames Gateway South Essex is defined as an Engine of Growth within RES. As such, Thames Gateway South Essex and its urban sub region are expected to disproportionately drive growth, given the importance of agglomeration and the concentration of assets. The strategic ambitions are identified below and should be expressed in your core strategy.
• achieve levels of productivity and earnings of at least the regional average
• radically improve the skills base through employer-led learning opportunities and the creation of 21st century education facilities, including schools, new university campuses and industry-led skills academies
• London Gateway as a national logistics and ports enterprise hub - a centre for research and technical support as part of an associated cluster, including the Port of Tilbury
• reinvent and revitalise the city and town centres in Southend-on-Sea, Basildon, Thurrock and Castle Point with thriving residential, retail and leisure offers
• become renowned for high-quality public and green spaces and attractive waterfront development
• become a niche centre in the creative industries, including the Production Campus and Creative National Skills Academy in Thurrock and a focused offer in Southend-on-Sea built around the university, METAL and thriving arts and new media businesses
• realise and harness the potential of London Southend Airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, by improving operational capacity, surface access and supporting business development in engineering and maintenance.
By addressing these key elements of the RES, the Core Strategy will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.
EEDA welcomes priority 8 of your Council's Core Strategy and the identification of London Southend Airport as a key employment opportunity within the district. The Thames Gateway area is a national priority for regeneration and growth with the need to accommodate 3000 jobs within the district of Rochford. The Core Strategy further identifies that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth of the airport and EEDA supports this.
In addition, the RES clearly identifies the potential of the airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, as identified above. EEDA welcomes the preferred policy ED1 for London Southend Airport and the Council's joint approach with Southend Borough Council to develop an Area Action Plan. This approach should ensure that the role of the airport and its potential as a focus and catalyst for economic growth can be fully harnessed and developed.
EEDA also supports the Council's approach to reviewing existing employment land allocations within the district through an employment land review and welcomes policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land in relation to this. Policy ED2 - Employment Growth seeks to provide a range of employment uses and whilst EEDA supports this policy it could be strengthen by including this aim within the policy wording.
EEDA, Go East and EERA have reviewed existing methodologies for Employment Land Reviews across the region have published a guidance manual on Employment Land Reviews. I would encourage your authority to consider this guidance note in finalising your Core Strategy
The Council's aspiration for an Eco-Enterprise Centre as a focal point for business in the form of an enterprise or incubation hub would increase the offer for start up businesses within the district. Its aim to be an exemplar in sustainable construction and act as a flagship building further enhances this offer both in terms of high specification office space and the benefits related to this in terms of lower energy costs. It should further encourage the inward investment of businesses whilst aiding in the creation of higher value jobs.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
ED3 Existing Employment Land - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 4246
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: EEDA
EEDA also supports the Council's approach to reviewing existing employment land allocations within the district through an employment land review and welcomes policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land in relation to this.
Dear Mr Scrutton
Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Core Strategy Preferred Options for Rochford District Council.
EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Core Strategy documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Core Strategy documents is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
• sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
• the new Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).
Planning Policy Statement 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development', 2005 reminds local authorities that in preparing local development plans they should seek to provide a positive planning framework for sustainable growth in support of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES advocates a region that is internationally competitive with a global reputation for innovation and business growth that harnesses and develops the talents and creativity of all and is at the forefront of a low carbon and resource efficient economy.
In addition, Planning Policy Statement 12 'Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning', 2008 recognises that spatial planning is a critical element in relation to economic growth and regeneration. The RES supports and complements the East of England Plan and EEDA supports the implementation of policies within that strategy.
It is within this context that EEDA makes its response.
Thames Gateway South Essex is defined as an Engine of Growth within RES. As such, Thames Gateway South Essex and its urban sub region are expected to disproportionately drive growth, given the importance of agglomeration and the concentration of assets. The strategic ambitions are identified below and should be expressed in your core strategy.
• achieve levels of productivity and earnings of at least the regional average
• radically improve the skills base through employer-led learning opportunities and the creation of 21st century education facilities, including schools, new university campuses and industry-led skills academies
• London Gateway as a national logistics and ports enterprise hub - a centre for research and technical support as part of an associated cluster, including the Port of Tilbury
• reinvent and revitalise the city and town centres in Southend-on-Sea, Basildon, Thurrock and Castle Point with thriving residential, retail and leisure offers
• become renowned for high-quality public and green spaces and attractive waterfront development
• become a niche centre in the creative industries, including the Production Campus and Creative National Skills Academy in Thurrock and a focused offer in Southend-on-Sea built around the university, METAL and thriving arts and new media businesses
• realise and harness the potential of London Southend Airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, by improving operational capacity, surface access and supporting business development in engineering and maintenance.
By addressing these key elements of the RES, the Core Strategy will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.
EEDA welcomes priority 8 of your Council's Core Strategy and the identification of London Southend Airport as a key employment opportunity within the district. The Thames Gateway area is a national priority for regeneration and growth with the need to accommodate 3000 jobs within the district of Rochford. The Core Strategy further identifies that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth of the airport and EEDA supports this.
In addition, the RES clearly identifies the potential of the airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, as identified above. EEDA welcomes the preferred policy ED1 for London Southend Airport and the Council's joint approach with Southend Borough Council to develop an Area Action Plan. This approach should ensure that the role of the airport and its potential as a focus and catalyst for economic growth can be fully harnessed and developed.
EEDA also supports the Council's approach to reviewing existing employment land allocations within the district through an employment land review and welcomes policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land in relation to this. Policy ED2 - Employment Growth seeks to provide a range of employment uses and whilst EEDA supports this policy it could be strengthen by including this aim within the policy wording.
EEDA, Go East and EERA have reviewed existing methodologies for Employment Land Reviews across the region have published a guidance manual on Employment Land Reviews. I would encourage your authority to consider this guidance note in finalising your Core Strategy
The Council's aspiration for an Eco-Enterprise Centre as a focal point for business in the form of an enterprise or incubation hub would increase the offer for start up businesses within the district. Its aim to be an exemplar in sustainable construction and act as a flagship building further enhances this offer both in terms of high specification office space and the benefits related to this in terms of lower energy costs. It should further encourage the inward investment of businesses whilst aiding in the creation of higher value jobs.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 4247
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: EEDA
Policy ED2 - Employment Growth seeks to provide a range of employment uses and whilst EEDA supports this policy it could be strengthen by including this aim within the policy wording.
Dear Mr Scrutton
Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Core Strategy Preferred Options for Rochford District Council.
EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee, and our experience to date suggests a number of points on Core Strategy documents which your authority may wish to consider.
EEDA's principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with Core Strategy documents is therefore that they will help deliver, and provide the spatial framework for:
• sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
• the new Regional Economic Strategy (Inventing the Future - Collective Action for a sustainable economy, 2008).
Planning Policy Statement 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development', 2005 reminds local authorities that in preparing local development plans they should seek to provide a positive planning framework for sustainable growth in support of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES advocates a region that is internationally competitive with a global reputation for innovation and business growth that harnesses and develops the talents and creativity of all and is at the forefront of a low carbon and resource efficient economy.
In addition, Planning Policy Statement 12 'Creating Strong Safe and Prosperous Communities through Local Spatial Planning', 2008 recognises that spatial planning is a critical element in relation to economic growth and regeneration. The RES supports and complements the East of England Plan and EEDA supports the implementation of policies within that strategy.
It is within this context that EEDA makes its response.
Thames Gateway South Essex is defined as an Engine of Growth within RES. As such, Thames Gateway South Essex and its urban sub region are expected to disproportionately drive growth, given the importance of agglomeration and the concentration of assets. The strategic ambitions are identified below and should be expressed in your core strategy.
• achieve levels of productivity and earnings of at least the regional average
• radically improve the skills base through employer-led learning opportunities and the creation of 21st century education facilities, including schools, new university campuses and industry-led skills academies
• London Gateway as a national logistics and ports enterprise hub - a centre for research and technical support as part of an associated cluster, including the Port of Tilbury
• reinvent and revitalise the city and town centres in Southend-on-Sea, Basildon, Thurrock and Castle Point with thriving residential, retail and leisure offers
• become renowned for high-quality public and green spaces and attractive waterfront development
• become a niche centre in the creative industries, including the Production Campus and Creative National Skills Academy in Thurrock and a focused offer in Southend-on-Sea built around the university, METAL and thriving arts and new media businesses
• realise and harness the potential of London Southend Airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, by improving operational capacity, surface access and supporting business development in engineering and maintenance.
By addressing these key elements of the RES, the Core Strategy will provide the context needed to maintain the prosperity of the East of England, enhancing its regional competitiveness and giving support to business growth.
EEDA welcomes priority 8 of your Council's Core Strategy and the identification of London Southend Airport as a key employment opportunity within the district. The Thames Gateway area is a national priority for regeneration and growth with the need to accommodate 3000 jobs within the district of Rochford. The Core Strategy further identifies that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth of the airport and EEDA supports this.
In addition, the RES clearly identifies the potential of the airport as a key transport gateway for the Thames Gateway, as identified above. EEDA welcomes the preferred policy ED1 for London Southend Airport and the Council's joint approach with Southend Borough Council to develop an Area Action Plan. This approach should ensure that the role of the airport and its potential as a focus and catalyst for economic growth can be fully harnessed and developed.
EEDA also supports the Council's approach to reviewing existing employment land allocations within the district through an employment land review and welcomes policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land in relation to this. Policy ED2 - Employment Growth seeks to provide a range of employment uses and whilst EEDA supports this policy it could be strengthen by including this aim within the policy wording.
EEDA, Go East and EERA have reviewed existing methodologies for Employment Land Reviews across the region have published a guidance manual on Employment Land Reviews. I would encourage your authority to consider this guidance note in finalising your Core Strategy
The Council's aspiration for an Eco-Enterprise Centre as a focal point for business in the form of an enterprise or incubation hub would increase the offer for start up businesses within the district. Its aim to be an exemplar in sustainable construction and act as a flagship building further enhances this offer both in terms of high specification office space and the benefits related to this in terms of lower energy costs. It should further encourage the inward investment of businesses whilst aiding in the creation of higher value jobs.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.