Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4021

Received: 17/12/2008

Respondent: Design Associates

Representation Summary:

Re: Call for Sites - Site at Junction of Napier Road and Albert Road - Rayleigh

Design Associates act on behalf of the owner of the above land at the junction of Napier Road and Albert Road, Rayleigh and have previously offered on behalf of our client, in our letter dated 21st March 2007, the above land be included in the council list of sites for possible future housing. The site is referred to as a Number 94 on you "Call for Sites list" and we hope will be selected for release from the green belt for future housing, when the Site Allocations Document is produced next year.
We make the following comments, on behalf of our client, in response to the public consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options Document:
1) Our client ids heartened to note that some green belt land is deemed to be required to be released for new housing, by the Council, and that the council are in support of new residential development occurring mainly to the edge of existing main settlements. It is considered that Rayleigh is the only urban area with a principle town centre and it has the best to services in the district.
2) Taking into account the Council's vision for sustainable new dwellings which integrate into existing communities, together with the stated intension of the Council that 70% of new housing will be on Greenfield sites, as sustainable extensions to existing settlements within the plan period 2001-2021, we believe the locations shown on the key diagram for the allocation of new housing development does not give adequate recognition of the valuable contribution potential sites situated at the eastern edge of the settlement area of Rayleigh will give.
3) It is considered that some modest growth to the east of Rayleigh could be accommodated without detriment to the upper Roach Valley or the separation between Rayleigh and Hockley.
5)We are not suggesting eastern Rayleigh should represent a potential major residential growth area but consider the area should not be totally excluded from the possibility of some modest residential growth which if felt would have sustainability advantages over some of the more outlying locations indicated on the Key Diagram.
6) Please take the above comments into account when considering the final version of the Core Strategy and in connection with the ongoing consideration of our client's land as a possible future housing site.

Full text:

Re: Call for Sites - Site at Junction of Napier Road and Albert Road - Rayleigh

Design Associates act on behalf of the owner of the above land at the junction of Napier Road and Albert Road, Rayleigh and have previously offered on behalf of our client, in our letter dated 21st March 2007, the above land be included in the council list of sites for possible future housing. The site is referred to as a Number 94 on you "Call for Sites list" and we hope will be selected for release from the green belt for future housing, when the Site Allocations Document is produced next year.
We make the following comments, on behalf of our client, in response to the public consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options Document:
1) Our client ids heartened to note that some green belt land is deemed to be required to be released for new housing, by the Council, and that the council are in support of new residential development occurring mainly to the edge of existing main settlements. It is considered that Rayleigh is the only urban area with a principle town centre and it has the best to services in the district.
2) Taking into account the Council's vision for sustainable new dwellings which integrate into existing communities, together with the stated intension of the Council that 70% of new housing will be on Greenfield sites, as sustainable extensions to existing settlements within the plan period 2001-2021, we believe the locations shown on the key diagram for the allocation of new housing development does not give adequate recognition of the valuable contribution potential sites situated at the eastern edge of the settlement area of Rayleigh will give.
3) It is considered that some modest growth to the east of Rayleigh could be accommodated without detriment to the upper Roach Valley or the separation between Rayleigh and Hockley.
4) Taking into account the above we ask the council to give further consideration to the H2 options so as to provide for a greater number of dwellings around Rayleigh with some additional housing to the east of Rayleigh not only for the 2001-2021 period but also the post 2021 period. In this respect we ask you to also consider a variation to the preferred option set out in H3, consistent with the above mentioned suggested variation to H2.
5)We are not suggesting eastern Rayleigh should represent a potential major residential growth area but consider the area should not be totally excluded from the possibility of some modest residential growth which if felt would have sustainability advantages over some of the more outlying locations indicated on the Key Diagram.
6) Please take the above comments into account when considering the final version of the Core Strategy and in connection with the ongoing consideration of our client's land as a possible future housing site.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H3 General Locations Post-2021 - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4022

Received: 17/12/2008

Respondent: Design Associates

Representation Summary:

4) Taking into account the above we ask the council to give further consideration to the H2 options so as to provide for a greater number of dwellings around Rayleigh with some additional housing to the east of Rayleigh not only for the 2001-2021 period but also the post 2021 period. In this respect we ask you to also consider a variation to the preferred option set out in H3, consistent with the above mentioned suggested variation to H2.

Full text:

Re: Call for Sites - Site at Junction of Napier Road and Albert Road - Rayleigh

Design Associates act on behalf of the owner of the above land at the junction of Napier Road and Albert Road, Rayleigh and have previously offered on behalf of our client, in our letter dated 21st March 2007, the above land be included in the council list of sites for possible future housing. The site is referred to as a Number 94 on you "Call for Sites list" and we hope will be selected for release from the green belt for future housing, when the Site Allocations Document is produced next year.
We make the following comments, on behalf of our client, in response to the public consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options Document:
1) Our client ids heartened to note that some green belt land is deemed to be required to be released for new housing, by the Council, and that the council are in support of new residential development occurring mainly to the edge of existing main settlements. It is considered that Rayleigh is the only urban area with a principle town centre and it has the best to services in the district.
2) Taking into account the Council's vision for sustainable new dwellings which integrate into existing communities, together with the stated intension of the Council that 70% of new housing will be on Greenfield sites, as sustainable extensions to existing settlements within the plan period 2001-2021, we believe the locations shown on the key diagram for the allocation of new housing development does not give adequate recognition of the valuable contribution potential sites situated at the eastern edge of the settlement area of Rayleigh will give.
3) It is considered that some modest growth to the east of Rayleigh could be accommodated without detriment to the upper Roach Valley or the separation between Rayleigh and Hockley.
4) Taking into account the above we ask the council to give further consideration to the H2 options so as to provide for a greater number of dwellings around Rayleigh with some additional housing to the east of Rayleigh not only for the 2001-2021 period but also the post 2021 period. In this respect we ask you to also consider a variation to the preferred option set out in H3, consistent with the above mentioned suggested variation to H2.
5)We are not suggesting eastern Rayleigh should represent a potential major residential growth area but consider the area should not be totally excluded from the possibility of some modest residential growth which if felt would have sustainability advantages over some of the more outlying locations indicated on the Key Diagram.
6) Please take the above comments into account when considering the final version of the Core Strategy and in connection with the ongoing consideration of our client's land as a possible future housing site.

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