Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
ED1 London Southend Airport - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3788
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend (RSL) welcomes the recognition in the Core Strategy (CS) of the importance of London Southend Airport (LSA) as a key economic driver locally and in the wider sub-region. However, the CS should give clearer guidance on the purpose and objectives for the Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). In particular, the CS should identify the requirement to ensure sufficient land is allocated to meet the creation of 3000 new jobs, over and above those from growth in airside activity, as identified in the Southend Regeneration Framework 2007, based on work carried out on behalf of RSL.
Renaissance Southend (RSL) welcomes the recognition in the Core Strategy (CS) of the importance of London Southend Airport (LSA) as a key economic driver locally and in the wider sub-region. However, the CS should give clearer guidance on the purpose and objectives for the Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). In particular, the CS should identify the requirement to ensure sufficient land is allocated to meet the creation of 3000 new jobs, over and above those from growth in airside activity, as identified in the Southend Regeneration Framework 2007, based on work carried out on behalf of RSL.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
ED1 London Southend Airport - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3789
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend (RSL) supports the preparation of a Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) to deal with the proposed growth at London Southend Airport (LSA). However, Policy ED1 should be amended to make it clear that the JAAP should also be looking to examine how to manage the change required to realise the employment potential of the whole area included within the JAAP boundary, and setting clear objectives and expectations for the JAAP, that it can be judged/measured against.
Renaissance Southend (RSL) supports the preparation of a Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) to deal with the proposed growth at London Southend Airport (LSA). However, Policy ED1 should be amended to make it clear that the JAAP should also be looking to examine how to manage the change required to realise the employment potential of the whole area included within the JAAP boundary, and setting clear objectives and expectations for the JAAP, that it can be judged/measured against.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Protection of the Green Belt
Representation ID: 3790
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend (RSL) acknowledges the importance of the constraints imposed by the Green Belt and supports the general thrust of the Green Belt Policy. However, RSL would urge that the Core Strategy (CS) is more explicit in providing for the potential amendment to Green Belt boundaries through the Joint Area Action Plan for the Airport & Environs (JAAP), in order to meet recognised regional and sub regional objectives for economic development and employment growth.
Renaissance Southend (RSL) acknowledges the importance of the constraints imposed by the Green Belt and supports the general thrust of the Green Belt Policy. However, RSL would urge that the Core Strategy (CS) is more explicit in providing for the potential amendment to Green Belt boundaries through the Joint Area Action Plan for the Airport & Environs (JAAP), in order to meet recognised regional and sub regional objectives for economic development and employment growth.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
GB1 Green Belt Protection - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3792
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Policy GB1 should be amended to provide for the potential need to alter Green Belt boundaries as part of the Joint Area Action Plan for the Airport and Environs (JAAP) where this is required to meet the economic development and employment growth needs of the district and wider sub region.
Policy GB1 should be amended to provide for the potential need to alter Green Belt boundaries as part of the Joint Area Action Plan for the Airport and Environs (JAAP) where this is required to meet the economic development and employment growth needs of the district and wider sub region.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3799
Received: 16/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Policy H1/H2/H3 identify potential for 510 new dwellings at Great Wakering within the designated plan period. This should be considered alongside the additional 1400 dwellings proposed in Southend-on-Sea BC's Core Strategy for Shoebury in the period 2001-2021, a significant proportion of which have still to be allocated. The Borough Council propose an AAP or SPD to provide detailed planning guidance for this growth and Renaissance Southend (RSL) support a comprehensive approach to the planning and regeneration of Shoebury. It is suggested there could be merit in a joint approach to the planned growth of Great Wakering and Shoebury.
Policy H1/H2/H3 identify potential for 510 new dwellings at Great Wakering within the designated plan period. This should be considered alongside the additional 1400 dwellings proposed in Southend-on-Sea BC's Core Strategy for Shoebury in the period 2001-2021, a significant proportion of which have still to be allocated. The Borough Council propose an AAP or SPD to provide detailed planning guidance for this growth and Renaissance Southend (RSL) support a comprehensive approach to the planning and regeneration of Shoebury. It is suggested there could be merit in a joint approach to the planned growth of Great Wakering and Shoebury.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
T5 Cycling and Walking - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3837
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the aspiration for Rochford to be promoted as the 'green part' of the sub-region as set out in the Vision (page 21). RSL also welcomes the 2017 Vision (page 66) for Rochford to have implemented a walking, cycling and bridleway network across the District. Southend is now officially recognised as a Cycling Demonstration Town, and therefore we would seek to highlight the opportunities to create effective links, particularly for walking and cycling between Southend and Rochford.
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the aspiration for Rochford to be promoted as the 'green part' of the sub-region as set out in the Vision (page 21). RSL also welcomes the 2017 Vision (page 66) for Rochford to have implemented a walking, cycling and bridleway network across the District. Southend is now officially recognised as a Cycling Demonstration Town, and therefore we would seek to highlight the opportunities to create effective links, particularly for walking and cycling between Southend and Rochford.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3840
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the reference to the South Essex Greengrid. However, it may now be appropriate to reference the recently published (by CLG) Thames Gateway Parklands Vision. References to opportunities in Rochford include reference to a major new area of open space highlighted in the document as Stonebridge Country Park. RSL are keen to explore opportunities for creating access to existing and new open/green spaces in both Southend and Rochford for the benefit of residents of both areas, as well as visitors.
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the reference to the South Essex Greengrid. However, it may now be appropriate to reference the recently published (by CLG) Thames Gateway Parklands Vision. References to opportunities in Rochford include reference to a major new area of open space highlighted in the document as Stonebridge Country Park. RSL are keen to explore opportunities for creating access to existing and new open/green spaces in both Southend and Rochford for the benefit of residents of both areas, as well as visitors.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3841
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the intention to create a 'Greenway' network through to other areas of South Essex. We would draw attention to the adopted Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy Key Diagram and CP7 where reference is made to a proposed 'new country park' with potential for links with land in the Rochford District. Scoping work is currently underway (through RSL) in order to highlight the opportunities for creating new space and improving linkages between built up areas and open space in both Southend and Rochford.
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) welcomes the intention to create a 'Greenway' network through to other areas of South Essex. We would draw attention to the adopted Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy Key Diagram and CP7 where reference is made to a proposed 'new country park' with potential for links with land in the Rochford District. Scoping work is currently underway (through RSL) in order to highlight the opportunities for creating new space and improving linkages between built up areas and open space in both Southend and Rochford.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3852
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) recognises Rochford's tourism opportunities in relation to 'heritage, countryside and coastline', and would seek to ensure that good quality sustainable links (i.e. not all requiring car journeys) are created between Southend and Rochford to enable good access to this tourism potential. Scoping work for the 'new country park' concept currently being undertaken by RSL will highlight the opportunities in respect of this point. RSL supports the RSPB led proposals for Wallasea Island, and would also seek to improve sustainable links between the Borough of Southend and Wallasea Island where this is possible.
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) recognises Rochford's tourism opportunities in relation to 'heritage, countryside and coastline', and would seek to ensure that good quality sustainable links (i.e. not all requiring car journeys) are created between Southend and Rochford to enable good access to this tourism potential. Scoping work for the 'new country park' concept currently being undertaken by RSL will highlight the opportunities in respect of this point. RSL supports the RSPB led proposals for Wallasea Island, and would also seek to improve sustainable links between the Borough of Southend and Wallasea Island where this is possible.
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Upper Roach Valley
Representation ID: 3860
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Renaissance Southend
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) recognises the potential set out for the Upper Roach Valley and would support the aspiration for more 'informal green space' in Rochford, and would seek to work closely with Rochford and other stakeholder to identify specific opportunities.
Renaissance Southend Ltd (RSL) recognises the potential set out for the Upper Roach Valley and would support the aspiration for more 'informal green space' in Rochford, and would seek to work closely with Rochford and other stakeholder to identify specific opportunities.