Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
CLT1 Planning Obligations and Standard Charges - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 4445
Received: 18/12/2008
Respondent: Martin Dawn Plc
Agent: Savills
We understand the need for consistency in calculating planning charges, however, are concerned that the standard formula referred to in Policy CLT1 does not allow for flexibility dependant on individual site circumstances. The policy states that the requirement to pay standard charges may be reassessed and modified where actual provision of infrastructure or facilities is provided as part of the development. Whilst I agree with this, there needs to be a further comment that where the developer can demonstrate that certain charges are economically unviable there is the potential for negotiation.
Please find enclosed representations made on behalf of Martin Dawn Plc in relation to the Core Strategy.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course, but please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.