Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

RTC1 Retail - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4202

Received: 16/12/2008

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

Full text:

Core Strategy Preferred Options

Thank you for your letter of 5 November consulting The Theatres Trust on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy.

The Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres and a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting land on which there is a theatre. This applies to all theatre buildings, old and new, in current use, in other uses, or disused. Established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres', our main objective is to safeguard theatre use, or the potential for such use but we also provide expert advice on design, conservation, property and planning matters to theatre operators, local authorities and official bodies.

Due to the specific nature of the Trust's remit we are concerned with the protection and promotion of theatres and therefore anticipate policies relating to cultural facilities.

This document is a great improvement on the 2007 version but is still lacking any cultural content.

RTC1 Retail and Town Centres

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

CLT1 Planning Obligations

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

CLT9 Leisure Facilities

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

CLT11 Tourism

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

We look forward to being consulted on the Submission Core Strategy, Infrastructure and Standard Charges document together with Rochford and Hockley Area Action Plans.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4203

Received: 16/12/2008

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

Full text:

Core Strategy Preferred Options

Thank you for your letter of 5 November consulting The Theatres Trust on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy.

The Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres and a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting land on which there is a theatre. This applies to all theatre buildings, old and new, in current use, in other uses, or disused. Established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres', our main objective is to safeguard theatre use, or the potential for such use but we also provide expert advice on design, conservation, property and planning matters to theatre operators, local authorities and official bodies.

Due to the specific nature of the Trust's remit we are concerned with the protection and promotion of theatres and therefore anticipate policies relating to cultural facilities.

This document is a great improvement on the 2007 version but is still lacking any cultural content.

RTC1 Retail and Town Centres

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

CLT1 Planning Obligations

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

CLT9 Leisure Facilities

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

CLT11 Tourism

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

We look forward to being consulted on the Submission Core Strategy, Infrastructure and Standard Charges document together with Rochford and Hockley Area Action Plans.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

CLT1 Planning Obligations and Standard Charges - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4204

Received: 16/12/2008

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

Full text:

Core Strategy Preferred Options

Thank you for your letter of 5 November consulting The Theatres Trust on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy.

The Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres and a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting land on which there is a theatre. This applies to all theatre buildings, old and new, in current use, in other uses, or disused. Established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres', our main objective is to safeguard theatre use, or the potential for such use but we also provide expert advice on design, conservation, property and planning matters to theatre operators, local authorities and official bodies.

Due to the specific nature of the Trust's remit we are concerned with the protection and promotion of theatres and therefore anticipate policies relating to cultural facilities.

This document is a great improvement on the 2007 version but is still lacking any cultural content.

RTC1 Retail and Town Centres

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

CLT1 Planning Obligations

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

CLT9 Leisure Facilities

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

CLT11 Tourism

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

We look forward to being consulted on the Submission Core Strategy, Infrastructure and Standard Charges document together with Rochford and Hockley Area Action Plans.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

CLT9 Leisure Facilities - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4205

Received: 16/12/2008

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

Full text:

Core Strategy Preferred Options

Thank you for your letter of 5 November consulting The Theatres Trust on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy.

The Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres and a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting land on which there is a theatre. This applies to all theatre buildings, old and new, in current use, in other uses, or disused. Established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres', our main objective is to safeguard theatre use, or the potential for such use but we also provide expert advice on design, conservation, property and planning matters to theatre operators, local authorities and official bodies.

Due to the specific nature of the Trust's remit we are concerned with the protection and promotion of theatres and therefore anticipate policies relating to cultural facilities.

This document is a great improvement on the 2007 version but is still lacking any cultural content.

RTC1 Retail and Town Centres

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

CLT1 Planning Obligations

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

CLT9 Leisure Facilities

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

CLT11 Tourism

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

We look forward to being consulted on the Submission Core Strategy, Infrastructure and Standard Charges document together with Rochford and Hockley Area Action Plans.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

CLT11 Tourism - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 4206

Received: 16/12/2008

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

Full text:

Core Strategy Preferred Options

Thank you for your letter of 5 November consulting The Theatres Trust on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy.

The Theatres Trust is the national advisory public body for theatres and a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting land on which there is a theatre. This applies to all theatre buildings, old and new, in current use, in other uses, or disused. Established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres', our main objective is to safeguard theatre use, or the potential for such use but we also provide expert advice on design, conservation, property and planning matters to theatre operators, local authorities and official bodies.

Due to the specific nature of the Trust's remit we are concerned with the protection and promotion of theatres and therefore anticipate policies relating to cultural facilities.

This document is a great improvement on the 2007 version but is still lacking any cultural content.

RTC1 Retail and Town Centres

The preamble to this topic includes ensuring that the District's town centres are vibrant places and the text refers to the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study. However, to quote from PPS6 A diversity of uses in centres makes an important contribution to their vitality and viability. Different but complementary uses, during the day and in the evening, can reinforce each other, making town centres more attractive to local residents, shoppers and visitors. Local planning authorities should encourage diversification of uses in the town centre as a whole, and ensure that tourism, leisure and cultural activities, which appeal to a wide range of age and social groups, are dispersed throughout the centre.

PPS6 also states that the main town centre uses are retail, leisure, offices, arts, culture and tourism. Town centres are the heart of communities and an expression of their culture and identity. As well as shops they should provide a range of realistic functions for leisure, recreation and cultural activities centred on restaurants, pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, libraries and museums. As such all these elements play an active role in creating and maintaining vibrant town centres and contributing to a stimulating night-time economy.

We would expect therefore to see other town centre uses mentioned in this section and some findings regarding your leisure offer from the Retail and Leisure Study. Or we suggest that you remove any general reference to town centres from this section as policy RTC1 only refers to their retail element.

RTC3 Rayleigh Town Centre

The Retail and Leisure Study is mentioned here which identifies a lack of leisure uses which includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bingo halls, cinemas etc. Here again, the policy only refers to the retail element of the town - no mention is made of any other shortcomings that may need addressing for this 'principal centre of the District'.

CLT1 Planning Obligations

We support a policy in the Core Strategy to show an overall approach to developer contributions with appropriate references to strategic sites and clear links to the details set out in an accompanying supplementary planning document. We look forward to being consulted on this document.

CLT9 Leisure Facilities

Surprisingly the 2008 Retail and Leisure Study isn't mentioned here and this section and the policy only focuses on sport and recreation through your leisure centres.

Your website under Arts and Leisure states that the District has a range of arts and leisure facilities. Your arts facilities should therefore be included in the text and within the policy. The wording of policies needs to be robust, clear and succinct because of the way they determine whether or not, and how development can take place and we therefore suggest that the title of this section be amended to Arts and Leisure Facilities for continuity and clarity.

The policy should ensure that your existing arts and leisure facilities are promoted and protected as without such wording it could become difficult to retain an essential community asset particularly where land values become higher for an alternative use. This policy should also state that the loss of an existing facility will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the facility is no longer needed, or it can be established that the services provided by the facility can be served in an alternative location or manner that is equally accessible by the community.

CLT11 Tourism

The opening accompanying text on page 100 states that the District has the potential to be the arts and cultural opportunities area for the sub-region. But there is no mention of this aspiration in any section nor this policy or any other policy.

Even though 'A Better Life' (Essex Cultural Strategy) and Rochford's Cultural Strategy are listed as 'relevant strategies' their content does not make an appearance in this document. Except on page 8 under Priority 6 More participation in sports, culture and volunteering ..... and on page 95 in the right hand column where the Audit Commission Report 2004 found that residents thought that cultural facilities in the District had got better or stayed the same. However there is no mention of cultural facilities in this policy or any other policy.

We look forward to being consulted on the Submission Core Strategy, Infrastructure and Standard Charges document together with Rochford and Hockley Area Action Plans.

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