Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3682

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities

Representation ID: 3683

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.

• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3684

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).

• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

H1 Distribution - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3685

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3686

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).

• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Protection of the Green Belt

Representation ID: 3687

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

GB1 Green Belt Protection - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3688

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

ED2 Employment Growth - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3690

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

ED3 Existing Employment Land - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3691

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.

• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District.

Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

ENV4 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3692

Received: 11/12/2008

Respondent: Go-East

Representation Summary:

• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Government Office on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Report.

As you are aware, we have commented in the past on earlier documents published in relation to the Rochford Core Strategy. In line with our earlier comments we consider that the document is well organised, comprehensive, set out in a systematic fashion and is easy to read and comprehend. The authority is to be commended for achieving this. We do though have some general comments and concerns as well as detailed observations that relate to many of the intended policies. These are set out in the paragraphs below.

Going forward under a revised PPS12

You will also be aware that on the 4th June this year CLG published a revised PPS12 along with revised regulations, which are now in place. The revisions are aimed mainly at streamlining the process further to help ensure that production of DPD's is able to happen as quickly as possible, whilst ensuring that public participation is effective and its results taken fully into account. As well as this, a key motivation of the revisions is to provide local planning authorities with greater freedom to determine the most appropriate way to prepare or revise DPD's. There is now more flexibility particularly in terms of consultation, where consultation on the DPD during the preparation phase of the plan is expected to be proportionate to the scale of the issues involved in the plan. On this basis, the regulations have now removed one of the formal stages of consultation - the preferred option stage. As well as this, the regulations now require that consultation and representations are made on a DPD before submission to the Secretary of State.

You should refer to the new PPS in taking forward this DPD, but essentially you will need to comply with the following principles in the PPS on:

• Participation and stakeholders (see section 4.20, 4.25 & 4.27);
• Not repeating national and regional policy (4.30);
• Being subject to a sustainability appraisal (4.39 - 4.42);
• Being justified, effective and consistent with national policy (4.36 & 4.44) and
• Being produced according to the timetable set out in the LDS to ensure that the DPD is produced in a timely and efficient manner (see section 4.53 & 4.54)

Further guidance, including examples of best practice, is provided in the Plan Making Manual, which may be accessed via the Planning Advisory Service's website: Additional content will become available in further updates of the Manual.

The DPD must be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended, be subject to a sustainability appraisal, have regard to national policy and any sustainable community strategy for the area and conform to the RSS. To be sound, the DPD should be justified (founded on a robust and credible evidence base, and be the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives), effective (the document must be deliverable, flexible and be able to be monitored) and consistent with national policy.

The key consideration before drafting the final DPD, is to be satisfied that the process of testing and refining of the options and consulting with key stakeholders has been undertaken adequately and satisfactorily in an appropriate and proportionate manner in relation to the issues arising in respect of this particular DPD.

Presentation of Options

There will be an expectation when the Core Strategy is submitted for examination, that the Council is able to demonstrate that it's decisions for deciding on certain options and ruling out others has been underpinned and informed by a robust Sustainability Appraisal (SA). I am surprised that there are not many references to the SA in the main text of the Core Strategy preferred options document, especially in the context of the presentation of options. It is not explicitly evident from reading the Core Strategy document, that the findings in the SA report support the Authority's preferred options and how decisions about the spatial strategy have been reached.

At submission, the Authority will need to be able to demonstrate that the DPD's policies represent the most appropriate response in all the circumstances, having considered all the relevant alternatives, and that they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; and that all reasonable and deliverable options have been equally presented at the Issues and Options stage, all underpinned by relevant sustainability information and other evidence. In order to meet this requirement, we firmly recommend that the subsequent documents make explicit linkages between the SA process and the decisions on chosen options and disregarded options.

Habitats Directive

As a result of the recent European Court of Justice ruling in relation to the Habitats Directive, Local Planning Authorities are now required to assess whether an Appropriate Assessment (AA), the purpose of which is to assess the impacts of a land-use plan against the conservation objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site, is necessary and to carry out the AA in the preparation of a DPD or SPD where it is required.

Replacement of Local Plan Policies

It is a regulatory requirement for the Council to identify which extant saved local plan policies will be replaced/superseded by the Core Strategy upon its adoption. We would suggest that any early consultation documents should give a broad indication of the extant policy areas likely to be replaced and the submission Core Strategy document to include this information in detail, perhaps as an appendix.

Consultation Statement

We remind you that when you submit the relevant DPD, you will be required to provide a statement setting out which bodies were consulted at earlier regulated stages, how they were consulted, and a summary of the main issues raised and how these have been addressed. It is important therefore that you document clearly the consultation that you are undertaking now, and in the future, to inform this requirement.

Specific Comments on the Rochford District Council Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options Document

• It might be helpful in the introductory paragraphs of your eventual Submission document to explain in slightly more detail, what has preceded the stage you have now reached (i.e. the earlier stages) in terms of the evolution of your Core Strategy, particularly in relation to the chronology and 'frontloading' (statutory consultees/stakeholders) including public engagement.
• You might like to consider whether in your Submission document you should distinguish what is in effect your 'Spatial Portrait' (i.e. term it as such) from the other information that forms the 'Characteristics, Issues and Opportunities' in the introductory section.
• On page 14 under population, I think you are suggesting that the average household size in Rochford is a function of the relatively large number of families which is a feature of the District's population structure. The way you have expressed it appears to be somewhat ambiguous to me and this section of text may therefore benefit from being expressed in a way that is simpler and provides for clarity.
• Under the section entitled 'Vision', the text referring to the latter seems to be based more upon the separate document 'Vision to Reality' that is referred to. In addition, the initial Vision Statement that is then set out as text amounts to little more than a 'Statement of Intent'. The way I feel the Vision should be expressed is in fact much like the way you have expressed it in text boxes at the start of each theme- based section that follows in the document. This is an unconventional way of handling the matter and consequently you will need to be satisfied that it is an appropriate method. Clearly though, I feel that the linkage between the section entitled 'Vision' and what is written subsequently in the initial text and later in the text boxes, is inconsistent and at present confusing (the Vision and the Objectives that follow from it, should set the scene for the Core Strategy policies and proposals, particularly in terms of time scales (which you do outline) local distinctiveness, the scale of development intended and its broad locations).
• The objectives as currently expressed are very general and not distinctive or 'spatially specific' to Rochford.
• Policy H1 - The spatial dimension to this policy is in fact provided by Policy H2 and therefore there should be a cross reference in the text of Policy H1 to provide this linkage.
• Some of the text boxes are clearly making reference in 'plain English/general terms' to the 'Evidence Base' (i.e. when not setting out the Vision) without providing a reference to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document. Given that the 'Evidence Base' is listed in detail in the first section of the Core Strategy document, it might be helpful to devise a system of Codes, or similar, to provide for cross references from the text box statements to the appropriate 'Evidence Base' document in the earlier list (the same system could be used in respect of 'non-specific references' to the 'Evidence Base' in the main text).
• You should avoid repeating national policy within the Core Strategy. In some instances in the supporting text you actually reproduce sections of PPSs. It may be appropriate in such instances to refer to such policy in general terms (a text box is a good way of doing this) but reproduction of actual PPS text should be avoided. Where references are made in some cases within policy wording to national policy (PPSs etc.) then the policy must be re-written in the Submission document to remove such references. The Core Strategy can only interpret national policy, indicating how it is to be applied to the local area - it must not repeat it.
• Whilst the use of text boxes is to be commended in general, that on P42 contains text which is repeated in some of the main text virtually alongside it. This occurs elsewhere in the document and it should be avoided in the Submission document.
• Several policies (e.g. GB1, ED2) are expressed in terms of: 'we will seek to direct'; 'we will encourage'; 'we will ensure'; we will enhance' etc. Expressed in this way the policies amount to little more than 'statements of intent'. Such expressions beg the questions 'how?', 'when?', 'where?'; and 'what?' etc. The policies in the Core Strategy need to relate to firm actions (albeit 'criteria based' if appropriate) and if there are not clear intentions in relation to delivery, then it is not appropriate to include the policy at all. I accept that as currently written, the policies may be indicating what the 'preferred option' for the policy is, rather than expressing it currently in its final form.
• In policy ED3 other than mention being made of 'Baltic Wharf', the existing employment sites to be reviewed are not identified. In order for the policy to be 'spatially specific' the other sites should be identified.
• Other than mention being made in the supporting text that there is an identified requirement for 2 hectares of office space, there are not any allocations made in terms of quantum of floorspace, or land areas, to meet the jobs requirement for the District. Furthermore, a policy has not been developed in terms of the distinction between locational implications of different uses (i.e. B1, B2 and B8). The submission policy should provide a clearer articulation of the locational implications relative to employment use types B1, B2 and B8 including any relevant split of land requirements relative to the different uses.
• In policy ENV4 'large scale' development is not defined.
• You will need to ensure that the wording in respect of Policy ENV6 wholly accords with the PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change. At present the wording appears to suggest a greater level of restraint than that intended by national policy.
• When/what date will Code Level 3 in Policy ENV8 be introduced? What is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• In respect of Policy ENV9, what is your 'Evidence Base' (as required by virtue of the PPS1 Supplement) to justify (in terms of viability) introducing this requirement in Rochford?
• Where is the contaminated land referred to in ENV10 to be found in the District? What are the broad locations?
• In policy RTC1 what is the amount of retail floorspace that is being directed to the stated locations?

• In policy CLT5 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT7 what are the standards that will be applied?

• In policy CLT8 what are the standards that will be applied?

• The Key Diagram should preferably be located much earlier on in the document - it could even be located after the background section and preceding the theme based sections. It appears that some potential designations are missing e.g. AQMA's.

• It is important for a Core Strategy to set out a strategic housing trajectory, expressing the Council's broad expectations for the delivery of housing over the Core Strategy period. It is accepted that it will need to be done at a strategic level, since individual development sites have yet to be identified, but it could set out the general expectations for the broad quantum (in general terms) and sources of completions (existing commitment, unallocated urban capacity/windfall sites, brownfield allocations, Greenfield sites/urban extensions etc) over the plan's lifetime. The trajectory should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar, setting out expected development rates and indications of which main locations in each year that development is likely to be forthcoming.


We commend you for the work carried out so far. Where any soundness issues arise, either through our consideration of the work done to date to comply with Regulation 25, or later, through our consideration of the further documents that you will publish to comply with Regulations 25 and 27, we hope that they can be resolved prior to the DPD's submission and subsequent examination.

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