Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 4377
Received: 17/12/2008
Respondent: Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
Agent: Indigo Planning
Sainsbury's are interested in pursuing opportunities in the District having identified a requirement to improve foodstore provision. As such, Sainsbury's are keen to be involved in the Council's Local Development Framework
Indigo Planning has previously submitted representations on behalf of Sainsbury's on the Rochford Core Strategy in July 2007. These
representations supported the Preferred Option for new housing allocations set out in the document. However, it was also noted that no make provision was being made for improving retail facilities in the District. Indigo recommended
that the Core Strategy include provision for future retail growth.
The Preferred Options document notes the findings of the Council's Retail Study which confirms that there is significant leakage of convenience expenditure. The Council should be more realistic about retail capacity in order
to address the issue of leakage and to ensure expenditure is retained within the District.
Sainsbury's wish to continue to work with the Council to improve Rochford's convenience retail offer and we would appreciate the opportunity of meeting with officers to discuss Sainsbury's aspirations in the District.
We write on behalf of our client, Sainsbury's Supermarket Ltd, in respect of the
Core Strategy Preferred Options Document.
Sainsbury's are interested in pursuing opportunities in the District having
identified a requirement to improve foodstore provision. As such, Sainsbury's
are keen to be involved in the Council's Local Development Framework
Indigo Planning has previously submitted representations on behalf of
Sainsbury's on the Rochford Core Strategy in July 2007. These representations supported the Preferred Option for new housing allocations set
out in the document. However, it was also noted that no make provision was being made for improving retail facilities in the District. Indigo recommended that the Core Strategy include provision for future retail growth.
The Preferred Options document notes the findings of the Council's Retail
Study which confirms that there is significant leakage of convenience expenditure. The Council should be more realistic about retail capacity in order to address the issue of leakage and to ensure expenditure is retained within the
Sainsbury's wish to continue to work with the Council to improve Rochford's convenience retail offer and we would appreciate the opportunity of meeting with officers to discuss Sainsbury's aspirations in the District.