Validation of Planning Applications

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Validation of Planning Applications

Economic statement

Representation ID: 888

Received: 21/02/2008

Respondent: EEDA

Representation Summary:

EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee. Our principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with consultations of this kind is therefore that they address whether or not they will help deliver:
* sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
* the Regional Economic Strategy (A Shared Vision: the regional economic strategy for the East of England, 2004).

In the light of this, our particular interest relates to the requirements for an economic statement as part of the 1APP process. Communities and Local Government have set out some indicative wording for this in their guidance note for local planning authorities 'The Validation of Planning Applications'. Whilst EEDA welcomes this, we would recommend that a more specific form of wording should be applied as follows:

Applications should be accompanied by a supporting statement of any economic growth / regeneration benefits from the proposed development including: details of any new jobs that might be created or supported; the relative floorspace totals for each proposed use; and any community benefits. Applications should demonstrate how they will contribute to the implementation of the goals of the Regional Economic Strategy, relevant sub-regional objectives and any local economic/regeneration strategies.

Rather than limiting the reference to regeneration objectives in the East of England as per the CLG guidance, the above wording refers to wider economic growth. In addition, EEDA feels there is a need to be more specific in ensuring applications demonstrate how they will beneficially impact on the implementation of the RES and sub regional /local strategies.

Full text:

Consultation on the Introduction of the National Standard Planning Application Form (1APP)

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed 1APP list of local requirements for Rochford District Council.

EEDA receives a number of requests of this kind, as a statutory consultee. Our principal role is to improve the East of England region's economic performance. Our main concern with consultations of this kind is therefore that they address whether or not they will help deliver:

* sustainable economic development and regeneration in the East of England, and in particular,
* the Regional Economic Strategy (A Shared Vision: the regional economic strategy for the East of England, 2004).

In the light of this, our particular interest relates to the requirements for an economic statement as part of the 1APP process. Communities and Local Government have set out some indicative wording for this in their guidance note for local planning authorities 'The Validation of Planning Applications'. Whilst EEDA welcomes this, we would recommend that a more specific form of wording should be applied as follows:

Applications should be accompanied by a supporting statement of any economic growth / regeneration benefits from the proposed development including: details of any new jobs that might be created or supported; the relative floorspace totals for each proposed use; and any community benefits. Applications should demonstrate how they will contribute to the implementation of the goals of the Regional Economic Strategy, relevant sub-regional objectives and any local economic/regeneration strategies.

Rather than limiting the reference to regeneration objectives in the East of England as per the CLG guidance, the above wording refers to wider economic growth. In addition, EEDA feels there is a need to be more specific in ensuring applications demonstrate how they will beneficially impact on the implementation of the RES and sub regional /local strategies.

If you would like to discuss any of these matters in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.

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