Validation of Planning Applications
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Validation of Planning Applications
Listed Building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building
Representation ID: 922
Received: 27/03/2008
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England fully supports the inclusion of biodiversity surveys for the Council's applications where they are applicable. Where survey information is required, the application should be accompanied by:
* An initial ecological assessment of the site
* A full ecological report including likely impact of the proposal and mitigation measures, if required as a result of the initial assessment.
If a development is likely to have an impact on an internationally or nationally designated area (Natura 2000 site, Site of Special Scientific Interest and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) the application should be accompanied by a report identifying the interest features of the site that may be affected. A full assessment of the likely effects of the development, and avoidance and or mitigation measures if applicable should be included. It is advisable for applicants to seek advice on the scope of the assessment from their local Natural England office prior to the submission of the application in these circumstances.
Assessment / survey information will also normally be required on developments that are likely to affect protected species, locally designated sites and priority habitats / species.
The aforementioned guidelines provide detailed information on when assessment and survey information will or will not normally be required, and clarifies what comprises a valid planning application in respect of biodiversity conservation. The new 1APP Standard National Application form includes a biodiversity and geological conservation section, and specifies where applicants should refer to the local application requirements.
Regarding the list of application types, Natural England does not consider there to be any significant omissions in the lists of local requirements for biodiversity information, with the exception of the combined application for 'Listed Building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building and advertisement consent', where some proposed works may impact on bat roosts.
The Council's local requirements list includes both 'biodiversity survey and report' and 'bat declaration form plus a survey if required.' Whilst the merits of the Bat Declaration Form have previously been explored, you may feel that the overlapping requirements of the two can be appropriately reflected within a single local requirement, as the Bat Survey Declaration will inform need for a 'biodiversity survey and report.
Thank you for your letter received by this office on 11 February, consulting Natural England over the above document. Please find set out below comments regarding the Council's local validation checklists, which identify when biodiversity or geological survey information might be required. These lists should be used in conjunction with the guidance template also discussed below, which identifies more precisely the requirement for appropriate survey information.
Local Government Ecologists in collaboration with DEFRA and Natural England have issued a guidance template for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation, which is available at: This gives details of the information that may be required as part of the validation checklist. As discussed in the document, Rochford District Council is strongly recommended to customise the template in discussion with their own ecologist and the Natural England local team.
Natural England fully supports the inclusion of biodiversity surveys for the Council's applications where they are applicable. Where survey information is required, the application should be accompanied by:
* An initial ecological assessment of the site
* A full ecological report including likely impact of the proposal and mitigation measures, if required as a result of the initial assessment.
If a development is likely to have an impact on an internationally or nationally designated area (Natura 2000 site, Site of Special Scientific Interest and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) the application should be accompanied by a report identifying the interest features of the site that may be affected. A full assessment of the likely effects of the development, and avoidance and or mitigation measures if applicable should be included. It is advisable for applicants to seek advice on the scope of the assessment from their local Natural England office prior to the submission of the application in these circumstances.
Assessment / survey information will also normally be required on developments that are likely to affect protected species, locally designated sites and priority habitats / species.
The aforementioned guidelines provide detailed information on when assessment and survey information will or will not normally be required, and clarifies what comprises a valid planning application in respect of biodiversity conservation. The new 1APP Standard National Application form includes a biodiversity and geological conservation section, and specifies where applicants should refer to the local application requirements.
Regarding the list of application types, Natural England does not consider there to be any significant omissions in the lists of local requirements for biodiversity information, with the exception of the combined application for 'Listed Building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building and advertisement consent', where some proposed works may impact on bat roosts.
The Council's local requirements list includes both 'biodiversity survey and report' and 'bat declaration form plus a survey if required.' Whilst the merits of the Bat Declaration Form have previously been explored, you may feel that the overlapping requirements of the two can be appropriately reflected within a single local requirement, as the Bat Survey Declaration will inform need for a 'biodiversity survey and report.'
I hope this letter is helpful, however if you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.