Policy LS2 - Development at London Southend Airport

Showing comments and forms 31 to 60 of 699


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5097

Received: 11/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs D Davies

Representation Summary:

Planning permission will be granted so long as it's airport related! So they can do anything under this guise? Any increase of noise & pollution will have an adverse impact on the whole area & is totally unacceptable. What is 'baseline' anyway? Use again of a non-word and we have to take their word on this! Living under the flight path we are already affected by aircraft noise, it will become intolerable with flights every 15 minutes in daytime & unrestricted night flights. Light aircraft training flights drive us to distraction now as they noisily buzz directly overhead.

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Planning permission will be granted so long as it's airport related! So they can do anything under this guise? Any increase of noise & pollution will have an adverse impact on the whole area & is totally unacceptable. What is 'baseline' anyway? Use again of a non-word and we have to take their word on this! Living under the flight path we are already affected by aircraft noise, it will become intolerable with flights every 15 minutes in daytime & unrestricted night flights. Light aircraft training flights drive us to distraction now as they noisily buzz directly overhead.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5122

Received: 12/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs Joanne Marchetti

Representation Summary:

I fully support the development of Southend Airport. As an employee I can appreciate the amount of employment and regeneration these plans would create.

Full text:

I fully support the development of Southend Airport. As an employee I can appreciate the amount of employment and regeneration these plans would create.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5133

Received: 12/03/2009

Respondent: Rawreth Parish Council

Representation Summary:

There is no mention of freight being moved by rail, why not, is this not something that should be explored for transportation efficiency and to reduce road traffic.

Full text:

There is no mention of freight being moved by rail, why not, is this not something that should be explored for transportation efficiency and to reduce road traffic.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5134

Received: 12/03/2009

Respondent: john aplin

Representation Summary:

I object to the proposed development because the sustainable transport measures take no account of the A127 which is unable to cope with any more traffic, be it from passengers (a smaller percentage of which will use the railway) or the expected extra employees at the new industrial areas.

Full text:

I object to the proposed development because the sustainable transport measures take no account of the A127 which is unable to cope with any more traffic, be it from passengers (a smaller percentage of which will use the railway) or the expected extra employees at the new industrial areas.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5178

Received: 13/03/2009

Respondent: Mr B Jones

Representation Summary:

STRONGLY OBJECT TO ALL EXPANSION. Do minimum or preferably no expansion.The increase in aircraft noise for us residents will become intolerable, emissions will increase. The road system cannot cope with current traffic levels. If 2m passenger movements are reached this will require about 4000 extra car journeys per day!!! Imagine the road upgrading work for the next few years that would be required. This area has a high percentage of elderly people who hardly fly. Who will the expansion benefit, people flying from outside the region and the business people and major shareholders who will make millions of pounds.

Full text:

STRONGLY OBJECT TO ALL EXPANSION. Do minimum or preferably no expansion.The increase in aircraft noise for us residents will become intolerable, emissions will increase. The road system cannot cope with current traffic levels. If 2m passenger movements are reached this will require about 4000 extra car journeys per day!!! Imagine the road upgrading work for the next few years that would be required. This area has a high percentage of elderly people who hardly fly. Who will the expansion benefit, people flying from outside the region and the business people and major shareholders who will make millions of pounds.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5221

Received: 14/03/2009

Respondent: Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Marion Chapman

Representation Summary:

Surely it is not possible to expand Southend Airport without causing even more noise to residents under the flight paths than was suffered during previous busy years. Apart from many other considerations, its position, on a very small site, ought to rule out the proposed extension.

Full text:

Surely it is not possible to expand Southend Airport without causing even more noise to residents under the flight paths than was suffered during previous busy years. Apart from many other considerations, its position, on a very small site, ought to rule out the proposed extension.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5222

Received: 15/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Kieran Kelly

Representation Summary:

On the basis that provision for compensation to local residents will need to be made by the Council for the expected negative impact on local property prices that will result from airport expansion and that the anticipated costs for this will fall on local council tax payers.

Full text:

On the basis that provision for compensation to local residents will need to be made by the Council for the expected negative impact on local property prices that will result from airport expansion and that the anticipated costs for this will fall on local council tax payers.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5241

Received: 17/03/2009

Respondent: Mr. John Spinks

Representation Summary:

I wish to object to any expansion or other development of Southend Airport. I would like to see it closed down completely.

Full text:

I wish to object to any expansion or other development of Southend Airport. I would like to see it closed down completely.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5250

Received: 17/03/2009

Respondent: mr justin littlejohns

Representation Summary:

I live close to the runway and have young children. I am mostly concerned with the air pollution and noise pollution.
What are the considerations to local residents on the affects of air pollution?
Justin Littlejohns

Full text:

I live close to the runway and have young children. I am mostly concerned with the air pollution and noise pollution.
What are the considerations to local residents on the affects of air pollution?
Justin Littlejohns


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5253

Received: 17/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Kelvin White

Representation Summary:

i cannot see how you can have a 'quiet' airport.

there is a significant amount of residential property surrounding the airport.

i dont believe the plans are sufficient to improve or cope with additional traffic/public transport demand

Full text:

i cannot see how you can have a 'quiet' airport.

there is a significant amount of residential property surrounding the airport.

i dont believe the plans are sufficient to improve or cope with additional traffic/public transport demand


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5257

Received: 17/03/2009

Respondent: Miss Anne Syrett

Representation Summary:

I feel the development of the airport is crucial to the regeneration of the area. It will provide much needed employment and strengthen the local economy, while providing a service to the general public.

Full text:

I feel the development of the airport is crucial to the regeneration of the area. It will provide much needed employment and strengthen the local economy, while providing a service to the general public.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5285

Received: 18/03/2009

Respondent: Essex County Council

Representation Summary:

The Preferered Options consultation fails to address the impacts upon the cultural heritage and historic environment of the proposed enlargment of the airport and runway.

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As with the recommendations made in 2008 for the Issues and Options consultation, the present document (Preferred Options) makes no mention of cultural heritage/historic environment issues and impacts and this should be addressed. The Rochford Historic Environment Characteristion (HEC) document commissioned by Rochford District Council provides an overall assessment of the District's historic environment including the study area for the JAAP Development plan and its relevance should be highlighted at this stage.
The HEC document was produced in order to provide planners with an overview of the historic environment for the LDF process and to be used at an early stage for identifying the possible choice of development sites, impact of potential development and the need for informed conservation, enhancement and mitigation. Within the Rochford HEC the relevant Historic Environment Character Zones (HECZ) are 17,18 and 22. The scoring table provided in the report and GIS project for each zone provides an assessment of seven specific criteria, diversity, survival, documentation, potential, group value association, sensitivity to change and amenity value.
The area outlined within the document is one which although partially disturbed through construction of the airport, golf course, quarrying and modern industrial buildings retains a significant archaeological and more general historic environment potential. In addition to specific known sites such as the medieval church of St. Lawrence and All Saints and a post-medieval brickworks and associated housing along Cherry Orchard Way, there are further finds, particularly in the west of the site whch indicate prehistoric activity, evidence of which is likely to survive. The airfield was established by the RFC during WWI and was later requisitioned to become RAF Rochford, part of Fighter Command during WWII. The airfield was heavily defended and the study area contains a large number of extant features relating to the security of the airfield.
It is important that the cultural heritage potential of the study area is taken into account at this early stage in order to ensure that opportunities for pro-active management and enhancement of the historic environment are considered at all stages of the development plan.
None of the comments given as response to the questions in our document dated 23/06/08 have been addressed in the Preferred Options consultation. The Cultural Heritage is a major omission in this document, with the proposals for the future of the most obvious Historic Environment assets, such as the Grade I Church of St Lawrence and All Saints, not addressed.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5292

Received: 18/03/2009


Representation Summary:

As stated above, you would be better off thinking of more environmentally friendly ways of creating jobs than expanding the Airport

Full text:

As stated above, you would be better off thinking of more environmentally friendly ways of creating jobs than expanding the Airport


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5300

Received: 19/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Philip Thornton

Representation Summary:

The panned expansion is not about creating a few new jobs or developing the area. It is about hard cash. The airport is owned by Stobart. The bottom line is more freight into the airport 24hrs a day then clog our streets with Stobart lorries. This is good for Stobart shareholders (who i bet are not local) but not for all of the home owners surounding the airport. Watch the value of your homes plummet and your quality of life decline.
This world is going mad. Stop being greedy and enjoy what you have - while you still have it.

Full text:

The panned expansion is not about creating a few new jobs or developing the area. It is about hard cash. The airport is owned by Stobart. The bottom line is more freight into the airport 24hrs a day then clog our streets with Stobart lorries. This is good for Stobart shareholders (who i bet are not local) but not for all of the home owners surounding the airport. Watch the value of your homes plummet and your quality of life decline.
This world is going mad. Stop being greedy and enjoy what you have - while you still have it.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5311

Received: 19/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Peter Moss

Representation Summary:

There has been a series of accidents recently when aircraft have failed on take off or landing, fortunately they crashed into open land, if this happened at Southend they would crash into densely populated areas with horrendous results.
This is not the area for airport expansion.

Full text:

There has been a series of accidents recently when aircraft have failed on take off or landing, fortunately they crashed into open land, if this happened at Southend they would crash into densely populated areas with horrendous results.
This is not the area for airport expansion.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5332

Received: 19/03/2009

Respondent: Mr terence white

Representation Summary:

What is agreed baseline level ??? are we allowed to know oa is it another coucil secret?
Only airport related access roads discussed what about main arterial routes.

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What is agreed baseline level ??? are we allowed to know oa is it another coucil secret?
Only airport related access roads discussed what about main arterial routes.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5363

Received: 20/03/2009

Respondent: adam birch

Representation Summary:

The road and rail links will have to be upgraded to support the extra 2 million passengers flocking to the region. The roads and rail cannot cope now which the Council refuse to address so how on earth do they expect to expand the A127 / A13 and provide extra seating for those who are already forced to stand on a train commute to and from London.

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The road and rail links will have to be upgraded to support the extra 2 million passengers flocking to the region. The roads and rail cannot cope now which the Council refuse to address so how on earth do they expect to expand the A127 / A13 and provide extra seating for those who are already forced to stand on a train commute to and from London.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5413

Received: 25/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs A Wate

Representation Summary:

if you buy a property near an airport you must expect aircraft noise but this should be monitored and controlled.

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if you buy a property near an airport you must expect aircraft noise but this should be monitored and controlled.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5447

Received: 22/03/2009

Respondent: Peter Mack

Representation Summary:

This is all about money. Stobart would not have spent so much if they thought that they may not be successful. Why are they so confident of success? There will be no financial benefit to the residents in the wards surrounding the airport. I wonder if the same can be said of the officials and councillors dealing with the expansion. If this expansion goes ahead everyone affected should withhold a portion of their concil tax to reflect the fall in the value of their properties, which will surely be the result of the increased airport activity.

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This is all about money. Stobart would not have spent so much if they thought that they may not be successful. Why are they so confident of success? There will be no financial benefit to the residents in the wards surrounding the airport. I wonder if the same can be said of the officials and councillors dealing with the expansion. If this expansion goes ahead everyone affected should withhold a portion of their concil tax to reflect the fall in the value of their properties, which will surely be the result of the increased airport activity.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5459

Received: 23/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs Meryl Price

Representation Summary:

who determines the baseline level of noise of aircraft flying low over the residences ajacent to the airport boundary.

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who determines the baseline level of noise of aircraft flying low over the residences ajacent to the airport boundary.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5486

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Brian Randall

Representation Summary:

Its all been talked about before without any progress being made for years
In the local and surrounding areas there is no call for the occassional, local and European passenger flights.They along with greater London passengers are already well served by Gatwick. Luton, Stanstead and indeed City airport.
Most holiday passengers now prefer and require long hall flights to much more exotic places than the UK and Europe
There are many retired and older people that live in bungelows in the flight path areas that will be affected by the flights constantly taking off and landing.
All of our local residents are extremely concerned

Full text:

Its all been talked about before without any progress being made for years
In the local and surrounding areas there is no call for the occassional, local and European passenger flights.They along with greater London passengers are already well served by Gatwick. Luton, Stanstead and indeed City airport.
Most holiday passengers now prefer and require long hall flights to much more exotic places than the UK and Europe
There are many retired and older people that live in bungelows in the flight path areas that will be affected by the flights constantly taking off and landing.
All of our local residents are extremely concerned


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5507

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Miss Danielle Freeman

Representation Summary:

I fully support the airport development and expansion. It is long overdue and will be a big boost for the local economy. The council should support the airport management and go ahead with the prefered option as soon as possible.

Full text:

I fully support the airport development and expansion. It is long overdue and will be a big boost for the local economy. The council should support the airport management and go ahead with the prefered option as soon as possible.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5519

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Philip Attrill

Representation Summary:

I fully support the airport expansion and development. It needs to happen sooner rather than later so the airport is fully operational for the London olympics in 2012. The number of jobs that will be created by the airport and the business park is greatly needed. It will be a huge opportunity missed if the council do not go ahead with the preferred options.

Full text:

I fully support the airport expansion and development. It needs to happen sooner rather than later so the airport is fully operational for the London olympics in 2012. The number of jobs that will be created by the airport and the business park is greatly needed. It will be a huge opportunity missed if the council do not go ahead with the preferred options.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5521

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: mr paul choi

Representation Summary:

Object plan, considerable increased noise level and number of flights (both commercial and private) after new management, and that's before the extension proposing larger aircraft to continue to operate with minimum improvement on other associated issues.

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Object plan, considerable increased noise level and number of flights (both commercial and private) after new management, and that's before the extension proposing larger aircraft to continue to operate with minimum improvement on other associated issues.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5524

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs Anne Attrill

Representation Summary:

I would like to put forward my support for the development of London Southend Airport. It is long overdue. The airport used to be the third busiest in the country and needs the development and expansion to bring it back to its former glory. Im lookin forward to flying again from my local airport.

Full text:

I would like to put forward my support for the development of London Southend Airport. It is long overdue. The airport used to be the third busiest in the country and needs the development and expansion to bring it back to its former glory. Im lookin forward to flying again from my local airport.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5529

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Miss Louise Attrill

Representation Summary:

I support the development of the airport. It is a great opportunity for the council to regenerate the local area and the number of jobs that will be created is fantastic.

Full text:

I support the development of the airport. It is a great opportunity for the council to regenerate the local area and the number of jobs that will be created is fantastic.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5531

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: karen sutherland

Representation Summary:

are all the proposed business parks going to be solely airport related? Who agrees the baseline noise levels? Just what kind of sustainable transport measures can be incorporated that will suddenly allow the A127 to cope with and extra 2million travellers? a bit more token 'walking and cycling provision'?

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are all the proposed business parks going to be solely airport related? Who agrees the baseline noise levels? Just what kind of sustainable transport measures can be incorporated that will suddenly allow the A127 to cope with and extra 2million travellers? a bit more token 'walking and cycling provision'?


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5534

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Daniel McCredie

Representation Summary:

I support the expansion and development of the airport.

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I support the expansion and development of the airport.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5539

Received: 24/03/2009

Respondent: Miss Joanne Attrill

Representation Summary:

I support the development and expansion of the airport and look forward to flying out on holiday from my local airport.

Full text:

I support the development and expansion of the airport and look forward to flying out on holiday from my local airport.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5576

Received: 25/03/2009

Respondent: Recognition Express

Representation Summary:

There does not seem to be any consideration with regards to the Sutton Road/Purdeys Industrial Estate area. Congestion is already bad around the Sutton Road/Southend Road and Sutton Road/Purdeys Way junctions. What considerations have been made for the effects of increased traffic flow in this area?

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There does not seem to be any consideration with regards to the Sutton Road/Purdeys Industrial Estate area. Congestion is already bad around the Sutton Road/Southend Road and Sutton Road/Purdeys Way junctions. What considerations have been made for the effects of increased traffic flow in this area?